


Instagram posts and videos uploaded by dianxixiaoge_apenjie


🦐 苹果虾仁 Apple and Shrimps 🦐 这是一道我在一个私房菜里吃到过的菜,不过他们不加辣椒,加新嫩的茶叶。家里没这条件,就用不辣的辣椒苹果和虾仁一起炒了,味道还出奇的好吃,不要炒太久,虾变色熟了就行,至于苹果熟不熟,不重要了😋 This is a private home cuisine I once had. However, they add freshly tender tea leaves instead of chili. I don't have fresh tea leaves at home, so I fried it with non-spicy peppers, apples, and shrimp, and it's surprisingly delicious. Don't fry it for too long. It's cooked when the shrimps change color. As for whether the apple is cooked or not, it doesn't matter!😋 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner #apple #shrimp

March 20, 2022


阿盆姐,今天吃什么? 因为天冷的关系,家人们围在院子里烤着火取暖,聊着天想到大姑妈送了块五花肉,于是顺带切了几种爱吃的蔬菜、豆腐,在烤火上放块石板便开始烧烤。把肉片、蔬菜都烤的酥脆金黄后,撒上蘸水辣一口咬下,幸福感和美味同时在嘴里绽放,让每个围在火炉旁的家人挂着微笑,今晚很平凡,但特别幸福🥰 Apenjie, what do we eat today? It is cold tonight. My family and I sit around the fire in the yard to get warm. While chatting, I think of the streaky pork that my auntie gave me. Then I prepare some of my favorite vegetables and tofu to have a barbecue. Grill the pork and vegetables to make them crispy and browned, and then sprinkle some spice powder on them. It tastes great and it puts a smile on everyone’s face. It's an ordinary night and we're bath in the happiness🥰 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 19, 2022


🥤 苹果香蕉奶昔 Apple Banana Smoothie 🥤 我上初中的时候和我表姨在城里住的时候,她每天早上都给我们做早餐,印象最深的就是她做的苹果香蕉牛奶奶昔,很简单,三个食材全部倒在果汁机里搅碎就行,这个配方我从13岁开始吃到现在,真的特别好喝~我强烈推荐你们都试试,一个苹果一个香蕉一瓶纯牛奶,快去试,等你们的反馈~🤤 When I was in junior high school, my auntie and I lived in the city. She made us breakfast every morning. What impressed me most was her apple banana smoothie. The method is very simple, just pour all three ingredients in a blender and blend it. I've been having it since I was 13 and it's really delicious! I highly recommend you all to try it, 1 apple, 1 banana and 1 bottle of pure milk. Give it a try and I'm looking forward to your feedback~🤤 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #apple #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 18, 2022


阿盆姐,今天吃什么? 尾季的蔬菜我们总会想方设法地腌制储存起来,就能吃得久一点,洗净刚摘下的新鲜茄子后切成长条,再曝晒三天成茄子干后放入蒸笼蒸熟,最后加入磨成面粉的炒熟大米及各式调料腌渍一个月,香煎过的茄子鲊配上一碗热乎乎的酸辣牛肉米线,太棒了!喜欢吃酸口的盆友一定要试试~😋 Apenjie, what do we eat today? We always find ways to pickle and store end-of-season vegetables so they can last longer. After washing the freshly picked eggplants, slice and expose them to the sun for three days, and then steam them in a steamer. Then add the ground fried rice and various seasonings and marinate for a month. The pan-fried eggplant goes really well with a bowl of hot and sour beef rice noodles. How amazing it tastes! It's a must try if you like sour food~😋 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 16, 2022


🍎 苹果醋 Apple Vinegar 🍎 用苹果做苹果醋,我还是第一次做,苹果盐巴搓洗干净后切成小片铺在罐子里,一层苹果一层冰糖,我这个苹果特别甜,糖就意思意思加了点,铺满后倒入大量的米醋,我买的米醋不够,就倒了点其他的醋,加满后密封在罐子里,三个月左右就可以喝了,我到时候再给大家试试口味怎样🥰 This is my first time making apple vinegar. Wash the apples with salt and slice them, and then put them in a jar, a layer of apple and a layer of sugar. The apples are very sweet, so I just added a little bit sugar. Then pour in a generous amount of rice vinegar. I didn't have enough rice vinegar, so I added some other vinegar. Seal it in the jar. It'll be ready in about 3 months, and I'll tell you how it tastes by then~🥰 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #apple #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 15, 2022


🍎 苹果蜜排 Ribs in Apple Sauce 🍎 整块排骨里面交叉划开,加上盐巴、黑胡椒、芝麻、红糖、五香粉和少量辣椒搓揉均匀,再加上蒜瓣一起腌制1夜入味,锡箔纸裹上放面包窑烤1个小时,热油炒香蒜和洋葱,加上苹果丁,番茄,生抽,蜂蜜和少许盐巴炒20分钟,苹果丁微微变软就行,淋入烤好的排骨上,再烘烤30分钟就可以了。排骨可以吸收苹果的香甜,满满的果香,口感丰富还特别解腻。吃之前用手一根一根的撕开,哇,冬天大口吃肉总是让人幸福而满足~🤤 Cut the inside of the whole pork ribs crosswise, add salt, black pepper, sesame seeds, brown sugar, five-spice powder and a small amount of chili and apply them evenly. Add some garlic cloves and cure it for 1 night. Wrap the ribs in foil and bake them in the oven for 1 hour. Stir-fry the garlic and onion in hot oil until the fragrance comes out, add the diced apple, tomato, light soy sauce, honey and a pinch of salt and sir-fry it for 20 minutes. When the diced apples are slightly softened, pour them over the roasted ribs and bake them for another 30 minutes. The ribs can absorb the sweetness of the apple, making this dish full of fruit aroma, giving it rich taste and making it less greasy. Tear the ribs with your hands before eating. Wow! In winter, gorging on meat is always delighting and satisfying~🤤 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #apple #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 13, 2022


🥧 苹果派 Apple Pie 🥧 黄油和面粉搓揉均匀,加上鸡蛋和白砂糖揉匀发酵30分钟,找一个可以耐得住高温的容器,抹油后铺上饼皮,四周稳定好。黄油炒香苹果丁,加上蜂蜜和水淀粉,煮20分钟左右,放入饼坯里,放面包窑里烤30分钟,表皮微微焦黄,里面还是很鲜甜多汁。没吃过其他的苹果派,但就觉得我做的这个特别好吃😋 Mix the butter and flour evenly. Add eggs and white sugar, knead it and wait for 30 minutes. Get a high temperature resistant container; spread the cake crust after basting it with oil. Stir-fry the diced apples in butter, add honey and starch water. After cooking for about 20 minutes, put it into the cake base and bake it in the oven for 30 minutes. When the skin is slightly browned, the inside is still very sweet and juicy. I haven't tried any other apple pies, but I think this one I made is especially delicious😋 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #apple #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 13, 2022


阿盆姐,今天吃什么? 大爹送来了一大片猪皮,放入姜片、葱结焯水去腥后,拔除猪毛切成小条状,再熬煮一晚后放凉成冻,切几块送给大姑妈和邻居阿惠姨,在我们这都是这么联络感情的。最后上桌前调一碗蘸料,那猪皮冻配上油辣椒,天气转暖的时候可太爽口了!😋 Apenjie, what do we eat today? Uncle brought me a large piece of pork skin. Add ginger slices and scallion knots into the water, blanch it to remove the unpleasant smell, remove the pig hair, cut it into small strips, boil it for one night and let it cool until it becomes jelly. I cut a few pieces and gave them to my auntie and my neighbor, Auntie Hui, which we take as a means of bonding. Before serving, prepare a bowl of dipping sauce. Pork skin jelly with chili oil tastes really refreshing when the weather gets warmer!😋 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 13, 2022


采了一篓因为云南昼夜温差大而形成"糖心"的苹果,因为甜度高的关系,做成甜点或是入菜,都是相当合适的水果之一,在冬日的寒风下,和家人围成一圈搭配着佳肴聊着天,是最温暖且甜蜜的享受。 记得关注本周的新视频,和你们分享虽然外表没这么好看,里头却很甜蜜的丑苹果料理~🥰 I picked a basket of apples that formed "sugar-hearted" due to the large temperature difference between day and night in Yunnan. Because of the high sweetness, it is one of the most suitable fruits to be made into desserts or in dishes. Under the cold wind of winter, it is the warmest and sweetest enjoyment to chat with family members at a table with delicious food. Remember to watch this week's new video and share with you the ugly apple dishes that is sweet on the inside although it doesn't look so good~🥰

March 08, 2022


阿盆姐,今天吃什么? 云南冬天的蚕豆脆脆甜甜,将蚕豆去壳后捣成泥加入火腿丁、茴香、鸡蛋拌成泥状,最后加入草果粉、盐调味,将混合均匀的蚕豆肉泥捏成圆饼状放入炸锅,炸出来的圆子口感外酥内嫩,一道令云南人想念的家乡味就完成了🥳 In Yunnan, the broad beans in winter are crunchy and sweet. After shelling, mash the broad beans; add diced ham, fennel, and eggs to make a soft mass. In the end, add tsaoko powder and salt. Shape the mixed broad bean and meat puree into round patties and place in the fryer. The fried balls are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. A hometown flavor that Yunnan people love is done🥳 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 05, 2022


和大王一起出门准备年猪饭会使用到的食材,走在云南的山间和田野,冬天里暖暖的阳光晒得连心情都很舒适~🥰 Go out with Dawang to prepare the ingredients for the Annual Pig Feast. Walking in the mountains and fields of Yunnan, the warm sunshine in winter makes me feel very comfortable~🥰 #滇西小哥 #云南 #风景摄影 #美 #landscape #scenery #warm #love

March 03, 2022


阿盆姐,今天吃什么? 摘几颗新鲜的树番茄烤熟后捣碎成泥,再加入辣椒面、盐及各式香菜、调料做成喃咪蘸油,一块酥炸的金黄酥脆的猪皮蘸上这碗特色酱料,一道让嘴巴停不下来的傣味炸猪皮就完成了~😋 Apenjie, what do we eat today? I picked a few fresh tree tomatoes. After roasting, I mashed them into a puree, and then added chili powder, salt, coriander, and various seasonings to make Nanmi dipping sauce. The golden crispy pork skin is dipped in the special sauce, and a mouth-watering Dai-flavored fried pork skin is finished~😋 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 02, 2022

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