




Apenjie, what do we eat today?

It is cold tonight. My family and I sit around the fire in the yard to get warm. While chatting, I think of the streaky pork that my auntie gave me. Then I prepare some of my favorite vegetables and tofu to have a barbecue. Grill the pork and vegetables to make them crispy and browned, and then sprinkle some spice powder on them. It tastes great and it puts a smile on everyone’s face. It's an ordinary night and we're bath in the happiness🥰

 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr
 #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe
 #instafood #food #yummy #tasty
 #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

阿盆姐,今天吃什么? 因为天冷的关系,家人们围在院子里烤着火取暖,聊着天想到大姑妈送了块五花肉,于是顺带切了几种爱吃的蔬菜、豆腐,在烤火上放块石板便开始烧烤。把肉片、蔬菜都烤的酥脆金黄后,撒上蘸水辣一口咬下,幸福感和美味同时在嘴里绽放,让每个围在火炉旁的家人挂着微笑,今晚很平凡,但特别幸福🥰 Apenjie, what do we eat today? It is cold tonight. My family and I sit around the fire in the yard to get warm. While chatting, I think of the streaky pork that my auntie gave me. Then I prepare some of my favorite vegetables and tofu to have a barbecue. Grill the pork and vegetables to make them crispy and browned, and then sprinkle some spice powder on them. It tastes great and it puts a smile on everyone’s face. It's an ordinary night and we're bath in the happiness🥰 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 19, 2022


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