


 🍎 苹果蜜排 Ribs in Apple Sauce 🍎


Cut the inside of the whole pork ribs crosswise, add salt, black pepper, sesame seeds, brown sugar, five-spice powder and a small amount of chili and apply them evenly. Add some garlic cloves and cure it for 1 night. Wrap the ribs in foil and bake them in the oven for 1 hour. Stir-fry the garlic and onion in hot oil until the fragrance comes out, add the diced apple, tomato, light soy sauce, honey and a pinch of salt and sir-fry it for 20 minutes. When the diced apples are slightly softened, pour them over the roasted ribs and bake them for another 30 minutes. The ribs can absorb the sweetness of the apple, making this dish full of fruit aroma, giving it rich taste and making it less greasy. Tear the ribs with your hands before eating. Wow! In winter, gorging on meat is always delighting and satisfying~🤤

 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #apple
 #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe
 #instafood #food #yummy #tasty
 #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

🍎 苹果蜜排 Ribs in Apple Sauce 🍎 整块排骨里面交叉划开,加上盐巴、黑胡椒、芝麻、红糖、五香粉和少量辣椒搓揉均匀,再加上蒜瓣一起腌制1夜入味,锡箔纸裹上放面包窑烤1个小时,热油炒香蒜和洋葱,加上苹果丁,番茄,生抽,蜂蜜和少许盐巴炒20分钟,苹果丁微微变软就行,淋入烤好的排骨上,再烘烤30分钟就可以了。排骨可以吸收苹果的香甜,满满的果香,口感丰富还特别解腻。吃之前用手一根一根的撕开,哇,冬天大口吃肉总是让人幸福而满足~🤤 Cut the inside of the whole pork ribs crosswise, add salt, black pepper, sesame seeds, brown sugar, five-spice powder and a small amount of chili and apply them evenly. Add some garlic cloves and cure it for 1 night. Wrap the ribs in foil and bake them in the oven for 1 hour. Stir-fry the garlic and onion in hot oil until the fragrance comes out, add the diced apple, tomato, light soy sauce, honey and a pinch of salt and sir-fry it for 20 minutes. When the diced apples are slightly softened, pour them over the roasted ribs and bake them for another 30 minutes. The ribs can absorb the sweetness of the apple, making this dish full of fruit aroma, giving it rich taste and making it less greasy. Tear the ribs with your hands before eating. Wow! In winter, gorging on meat is always delighting and satisfying~🤤 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #apple #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 13, 2022


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