


 🥤 苹果香蕉奶昔 Apple Banana Smoothie 🥤


When I was in junior high school, my auntie and I lived in the city. She made us breakfast every morning. What impressed me most was her apple banana smoothie. The method is very simple, just pour all three ingredients in a blender and blend it. I've been having it since I was 13 and it's really delicious! I highly recommend you all to try it, 1 apple, 1 banana and 1 bottle of pure milk. Give it a try and I'm looking forward to your feedback~🤤

 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #apple
 #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe
 #instafood #food #yummy #tasty
 #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

🥤 苹果香蕉奶昔 Apple Banana Smoothie 🥤 我上初中的时候和我表姨在城里住的时候,她每天早上都给我们做早餐,印象最深的就是她做的苹果香蕉牛奶奶昔,很简单,三个食材全部倒在果汁机里搅碎就行,这个配方我从13岁开始吃到现在,真的特别好喝~我强烈推荐你们都试试,一个苹果一个香蕉一瓶纯牛奶,快去试,等你们的反馈~🤤 When I was in junior high school, my auntie and I lived in the city. She made us breakfast every morning. What impressed me most was her apple banana smoothie. The method is very simple, just pour all three ingredients in a blender and blend it. I've been having it since I was 13 and it's really delicious! I highly recommend you all to try it, 1 apple, 1 banana and 1 bottle of pure milk. Give it a try and I'm looking forward to your feedback~🤤 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #apple #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 18, 2022


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