




Apenjie, what do we eat today?

Uncle brought me a large piece of pork skin. Add ginger slices and scallion knots into the water, blanch it to remove the unpleasant smell, remove the pig hair, cut it into small strips, boil it for one night and let it cool until it becomes jelly. I cut a few pieces and gave them to my auntie and my neighbor, Auntie Hui, which we take as a means of bonding. Before serving, prepare a bowl of dipping sauce. Pork skin jelly with chili oil tastes really refreshing when the weather gets warmer!😋

 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr
 #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe
 #instafood #food #yummy #tasty
 #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

阿盆姐,今天吃什么? 大爹送来了一大片猪皮,放入姜片、葱结焯水去腥后,拔除猪毛切成小条状,再熬煮一晚后放凉成冻,切几块送给大姑妈和邻居阿惠姨,在我们这都是这么联络感情的。最后上桌前调一碗蘸料,那猪皮冻配上油辣椒,天气转暖的时候可太爽口了!😋 Apenjie, what do we eat today? Uncle brought me a large piece of pork skin. Add ginger slices and scallion knots into the water, blanch it to remove the unpleasant smell, remove the pig hair, cut it into small strips, boil it for one night and let it cool until it becomes jelly. I cut a few pieces and gave them to my auntie and my neighbor, Auntie Hui, which we take as a means of bonding. Before serving, prepare a bowl of dipping sauce. Pork skin jelly with chili oil tastes really refreshing when the weather gets warmer!😋 #滇西小哥 #美食 #料理 #asmr #Dianxixiaoge #yunnan #recipe #instafood #food #yummy #tasty #china #cooking #handmade #dinner

March 13, 2022


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