Thank you For being here For being complete For being whole For being beautiful For smiling For crying For letting the demons out and be accepted For releasing and letting go Of things not meant for you And making room for the things that are Thank you For breaking apart And putting back all the broken pieces And paint the picture of your face again With all the new colors you’ve got Now Happy birthday I am so proud of you I am so out of words at this second You are so filled and showered with love By everyone By the stars and the rain Pouring down on you and around you Happy birthday Congratulations Once again for the millionth time You’re alive and loving life Happy birthday. • Marsha • 10 Aug 2021
August 11, 2021
Habis sedih dan berduka, dibuat senang dan ketawa lagi dengan kehadiran @siennakasyafani cos it’s #siennaibuTime !! 😊😜
August 08, 2021
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji’un. Ca ga percaya Oma udah ga ada. Ca sayang banget sama Oma. Dan Oma selalu sayang dan perhatian sama Caca. I can’t believe you’re gone. Mohon doanya, agar Oma beristirahat di tempat terbaik disisi Allah SWT. Amin amin ya robbal ‘alamin. Rest in love, rest in peace Oma Sofie Rustam Yusuf. I love you. Forever you will live in my heart.
August 07, 2021
Thank you for all and every magic in my life that you have helped me see. Thank you for paying a visit into my life shortly as an angel to protect and love me so much. I can already feel that your new beginning will bring out more light in you that has been waiting to be unlocked and unleashed. You will be where you are meant to be. Happy and blossoming. Goodbye my love, my bestfriend. My soul sister. Thank you for also loving my daughter as your own. We will miss you so much. Although I am now in tears, at the same time I am celebrating you entering your new chapter. New dreams coming true and alive. Safe flight sayang.. Thank you for all the beautiful memories. I am proud to be your bestfriend. Because a person with a heart as pure as yours is rare and I get to be loved so much by it through these years since I first met you. #magicalFriendship #bestfriends #welcomeNewChapter #SayhitoDreamLife #feelTheFearAndDoitAnyway
August 07, 2021
Found this in my journal. I forgot I wrote this. And I love it. Thank you, my higher self. 🙂
August 03, 2021
Inget ini gak @ochi24 ?? The best part is the ending!! 🤣🤣 Hahahahaha. #kelakuanPasNungguShooting Song 1 : Dessert by Dawin Song 2 : Kubahagia by Melly Goeslaw
July 31, 2021
Seneng emang pas liat video dan foto2 lama pas gue masih kurus. Pengen bisa segitu lagi, TAPI BUKAN dengan obat penahan nafsu makan lagi. Melainkan dengan olahraga, makan dengan baik, memperbaiki cara bernafas, benerin postur tubuh. Pengen bisa lebih fit dan punya lebih banyak energi setiap hari. Sekarang emang naik BB karena dealing with the REBOUND EFFECT, dari yang biasanya metabolisme cepet dan jarang laper karena obat penahan nafsu makan, gue serius bener2 ngotot untuk MAU SEHAT dan memperbaiki pencernaan, handle my cravings, dllll dengan cara-cara alami dan tanpa apetite suppresant pill. Susah.. tapi gue mau banget. Dan gue akan bisa. Perlu adjustments secara biologis, perlu waktu. Tapi gue mau. Iya, gue mau. 💛💛✨
July 31, 2021
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