


Instagram posts and videos uploaded by torontoguycody


@theblackexodus19 Netflix's shares plummeted by 35.1 percent following yesterday's earnings report, losing $54.3 billion virtually overnight. It was the biggest one-day drop in Netflix's history. https://t.co/m72M7QPMvt https://t.co/SBbJOpCGpu

April 21, 2022


@theblackexodus19 Bill Ackman Dumps Entire Netflix Stake, Loses $430 Million In 4 Months https://t.co/QEiCMGlL7P

April 21, 2022


#Repost @tbn @bishopjakes

April 21, 2022


@theblackexodus19 ⭐⭐⭐ Coming Soon - New Streaming Series: Blacks in America Must Finally Decide To Either Continue Living in America or Separate Into A Nation of Their Own. It's Either Separation or Death. 🚨Read First Episode on Amazon Now: https://amzn.to/3tLf6Py #BlackMovies #BlackTVShows #BlackStories

April 20, 2022


@theblackexodus19 #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "IF the END of their (wicked) world was in 1914, why didn’t their world end at that time? It is because out of The Beneficence and The Mercy of Almighty God Allah that He gave them a GRACE Period of 60 years, not to go more than 70 years. THE END of this world’s time was 1914—but The Great #Mahdi did not come and make Himself known to us until 1930; The Honorable #ElijahMuhammad met #MasterFardMuhammad in 1931; and He was here three years and four months (1934/1935), Teaching the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; In Detroit Michigan, #MasterFardMuhammad raised over 25,000 Black people and GAVE ALL OF THEM Holy Names. So how would you count the 60-70 Years of Grace? Where would you start it from? You would START it from The TIME that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was in this world, doing The Work of The Great #Mahdi on his own, by himself—but Guided by The Superior Wisdom and Power of his Sender. So, from 1934/1935, to 1975 when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad Departed from us—that is 40 years; and from 1975 to 1995 is another 20 years, where you then had 60 Years of Grace.However, in 1995 the GREATEST WITNESS of The Power of God’s Presence in America among us was seen in the mobilization of Black men, and women, in The Million Man March, where nearly 2 million Black men gathered on The National Mall in Washington, D.C. What was that in 1995, at the end of 60 Years of Grace? That was A SIGN of The RISE of The Black Man and Woman of America! On that day, The Great Day, we had 10 more years of EXTENDED GRACE. Your Grace Period IS UP! The Beneficence and The Mercy of God that He has shown BOTH to Black and White: IT IS UP!" #Farrakhan: The Time and What Must be Done pt 8 Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert #dailywarning117

April 20, 2022


@theblackexodus19 Mother Tynnetta on EXALTATION of Christ "We know that in the lifetime of the Most Honorable ElijahMuhammad SEVERAL ATTEMPTS were made to murder him, including poisoning as is also indicated in the life of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. And that according to our Teachings, he died of a heart-related illness at the age of 62 and one half years. According to the death certificate of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, as stated in the hospital, he passed as a result of congestive heart failure and the peculiarities of his passing, ascension or departure, defies scientific investigation to which he himself professed before many witnesses that he would ESCAPE such death plots by Allah’s permission. He requested that his body be carried around his home so that EVERYONE would BELIEVE that this was his body. He further stated to others that there would be a mock funeral but NOT TO BELIEVE that he was dead. And with my own further experiences which I will share, Inshallah, I have PROOF that he lives in other frequencies of higher dimensions." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad: The Theology of Time— Proof of the Risen Christ “On the day when the hypocrites, men AND women, will say to those who believe: Wait for us, that we may borrow from your light. It will be said: Turn back and seek a light. Then a wall, with a door in it, will be raised between them. Within it shall be mercy, and outside of it chastisement. They will cry out to them: Were we not with you? They will say: Yea, but you caused yourselves to fall into temptation, and you waited and doubted, and vain desires deceived you, till the threatened punishment of Allah came, and the arch-deceiver deceived you about Allah.”–Holy Qur’an, Surah 57, verses 13-14 Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert

April 20, 2022


@theblackexodus19 One of our Brothers had a Very Powerful Dream about Messiah @LouisFarrakhan and the Believers. In my opinion it is so incredibly powerful that I asked him to let me share a small part of it. Because I Truly Believe that When the Believers read this, it may save some of our lives. So In the Dream he starts off in his home state hundreds of miles from Chicago and he's outside in the dirt planting. He's covered in dirt from working in the field. The next instant he's at Mosque Maryam with his family. While everyone else is dressed super sharp, he's still dressed in the same clothes from when he was out with the crops. Maybe he felt a little under dressed? As he looked around, The Mosque was packed. But instead of the regular seating, the interior of Mosque Maryam grew in size, and there were THOUSANDS in attendance. ALL Believers. By the Thousands. Then The Minister entered. He steps up to the rostrum and calls on a brother who had been with The Minister a long time. The Brother stepped up and stood in front of The Minister holding his child. The Minister asked him for his report. The brother started in on how the believers are not doing this, that, and the other. How the Laborers this and that. Then The Minister asked him, "And What Have You Done?" The brother stood there, speechless. He had nothing to say. The Minister said "Well?" The brother gave in, he said, "Nothing." The Minister looked at him and said, "Get out." Keep in mind this brother had been with The Minister, in The Nation, A LONG TIME. The brothers shoulders slumped. He slowly turned with his child in his arms, and slowly walked down the aisle to leave. The Minister said, "Brother?" He turned, hoping The Minister was going to call him back. And The Minister yelled, "I Said GET OUT!!!" The E Team jumped up and the brother ran out of The Mosque. After that, The Minister went through the ENTIRE MOSQUE, one by one, asking every believer, "What Have You Done?" At first The Mosque was filled with Thousands. Now there were only a few Believers left. Then The Minister called on our Brother. He... SWIPE IMAGES TO READ FULL ARTICLE $DOOMALERT

April 20, 2022


#Repost @sidehustlebible All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s). DM for credit or removal request.

April 20, 2022


@theblackexodus19 #TheWheel #ufo #Christ warns "The #MotherPlane is made of the FINEST steel in #Asia. It was made on the Island of #Nippon ( #Japan) in 1929, and also took flight that same year. Black, Brown( #Japanese), Red( #Indian) and Yellow( #Chinese) Scientists built the Mother Plane. The Scientists did not know what they were building. Her size is Half-mile by Half-mile square. Her shape is oval. Her speed is up to 25,000 miles per hour. Her flying ability is 25,000 miles per hour in ANY direction, up or down,to or fro, in any direction without making a complete directional turn. Her contents are 1,500 small circular planes, as the devil calls them, "FLYING SAUCERS." ( #ufos) These small planes carry three(3) bombs each, they also shoot flames of fire. The Black men who pilot these small planes have been taught from the age of six that they are to do a special job. These pilots can hit ANY spot in #America, blindfolded, as the #Devil will soon see. The bombs that the small planes contain weigh two tons each. They are designed to drill into the Earth upon contact, and drill from one (1) to six(6) miles through stone and rock, and to explode, destroying civilization or any living matter (or life) within a fifty (50) mile radius. After these bombs explode, a poisonous gas is found to snuff out the remaining life,if any still exists. The purpose of the Mother Plane is to destroy the most wicked place ever to be on the planet Earth at any time (America, the Great Mystery Babylon). Her position is 40 miles out from the Earth's sphere. She holds this position from 6 to 12 months at a time. When this time is up, the MotherPlane comes into the atmosphere to take in fresh air for our Brothers inside,then she retakes her position. At the dropping of the bombs, the flames will reach TWELVE miles, in all directions. When the destruction comes, America will burn 390 years and take 610 years to cool off. The Great Mystery Babylon ( #USA) will perish in the flames of fire. Allah will even cause the air which we breathe to ignite along with the atmosphere." Hon ElijahMuhammad Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert

April 20, 2022


@theblackexodus19 #Telepathy Mother Tynnetta teaches "The Science of our Lessons literally teaches us the art of #telepathy or tuning into the source of all life from the Lord of All the Worlds. Through the dimensions of thought revealed in the Divine Word, we are inspired or stimulated by this Divine Word of Thought Form to create something New. This unfolding capability of the human mind and its potential is part of the promise made to the Believers as the expression of #Allah’s Divine Favors. In the sixth verse of Al-Fatihah, the Opening Prayer and first chapter of the Holy Qur’an, we read: “The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favours.” This verse incorporates the idea of the gift of Divine Revelation as explained in the commentary by Maulana Muhammad Ali. “The gift of revelation or being spoken to by God, according to the most authentic Hadith, will be granted to the righteous among the Holy Prophet’s followers—there will be among them men to whom God will speak though they would not be prophets.” This year’s extraordinary signs displayed in the heavens above and in the earth below testify to the fact that Allah is Present and is separating Truth from Falsehood and the wheat from the tare to a degree of clarity that none will be able to deny or have the excuse that God did not send a warner among us. The Honorable Minister Louis #Farrakhan is the second voice to the Honorable #ElijahMuhammad, raised as his Helper in making his great commission known." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad : Rising of the Morning Sun Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert

April 20, 2022


@theblackexodus19 Mother Tynnetta teaches "The 19 is a number that comes in the end of The Judgment which separates people into groups. As the madness breaks out there is a group that will be TAKEN AWAY to SAFETY and given Refuge on Lofty grounds having meadows and springs. So The Honorable Elijah Muhammad THROUGH #MasterFardMuhammad has paved the way for our deliverance and for our Salvation but now we must be willing to Do The Right Thing. We must be willing now to REVIEW The Teachings; The ONLY Teachings, The Life giving Teachings that were brought to us in the 30's. And these Teachings are still standing the test of time." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad: Los Angeles 8/9/92 https://youtu.be/PaU5q1rCNO0 #dailywarning74 Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert

April 20, 2022


@theblackexodus19 ⭐⭐⭐ Coming Soon - New Streaming Series: Blacks in America Must Finally Decide To Either Continue Living in America or Separate Into A Nation of Their Own. It's Either Separation or Death. 🚨Read First Episode on Amazon Now: https://amzn.to/3tLf6Py #BlackMovies #BlackTVShows #BlackStories

April 20, 2022

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