@theblackexodus19 #TheWheel #ufo #Christ warns "The #MotherPlane is made of the FINEST steel in #Asia. It was made on the Island of #Nippon ( #Japan) in 1929, and also took flight that same year. Black, Brown( #Japanese), Red( #Indian) and Yellow( #Chinese) Scientists built the Mother Plane. The Scientists did not know what they were building. Her size is Half-mile by Half-mile square. Her shape is oval. Her speed is up to 25,000 miles per hour. Her flying ability is 25,000 miles per hour in ANY direction, up or down,to or fro, in any direction without making a complete directional turn. Her contents are 1,500 small circular planes, as the devil calls them, "FLYING SAUCERS." ( #ufos) These small planes carry three(3) bombs each, they also shoot flames of fire. The Black men who pilot these small planes have been taught from the age of six that they are to do a special job. These pilots can hit ANY spot in #America, blindfolded, as the #Devil will soon see. The bombs that the small planes contain weigh two tons each. They are designed to drill into the Earth upon contact, and drill from one (1) to six(6) miles through stone and rock, and to explode, destroying civilization or any living matter (or life) within a fifty (50) mile radius. After these bombs explode, a poisonous gas is found to snuff out the remaining life,if any still exists. The purpose of the Mother Plane is to destroy the most wicked place ever to be on the planet Earth at any time (America, the Great Mystery Babylon). Her position is 40 miles out from the Earth's sphere. She holds this position from 6 to 12 months at a time. When this time is up, the MotherPlane comes into the atmosphere to take in fresh air for our Brothers inside,then she retakes her position. At the dropping of the bombs, the flames will reach TWELVE miles, in all directions. When the destruction comes, America will burn 390 years and take 610 years to cool off. The Great Mystery Babylon ( #USA) will perish in the flames of fire. Allah will even cause the air which we breathe to ignite along with the atmosphere." Hon ElijahMuhammad Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert
April 20, 2022
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