
Ronda Rousey

United States

Instagram posts and videos uploaded by rondarousey


Slow progress is still progress - bit by bit making my way weeding through the pasture. It’s easy to get discouraged by how much work there is to do, but the time lapse makes me feel like I’m actually getting somewhere 😅 And after watching @kisstheground again last night I’m feeling motivated to help this dirt become healthy soil! Milly was so I pissed out was out in the pasture while she wasn’t and braying at me the whole time 😂 It’s easy to see why though - it’s really cooled down the whole area. It’s also encouraging seeing a little habitat form - there are so many more bugs! I actually had a grasshopper jump in my boot - I’d never seen anything except ants and ground beetles before when it was bare ground 🪲🐜🦗🐝🌱🌳 follow @browseyacres to keep up with our pasture project 🐂🐐🐎🐓🙏🏼❤️

August 08, 2021


Thank you Vanth, Styx and Orcus!!🙏🏼❤️🐂 our three boys provided our first @browseyacres harvest and we will be forever grateful. Congrats to everyone who won the lottery and ability to buy our first shipment! We will be holding new lotteries every month for our curated boxes as well as first come first serve single cuts that we expect to sell out quickly. Sign up for our email newsletter at BrowseyAcres.com to be the first to know when the next lottery/sale opens. Due to our hands on approach we will not be able to offer high quantity for some time, thank you for everyone who’s supported our launch! The next few months we’ll he’s selling our three boys Orcus, Vanth and Styx who were bred by our partner up at @browseyacresoregon - We want to make their sacrifice something we respect instead of willfully ignore. So this is their story: We raise our animals till they are 34-36 months old. The boys stayed up in Oregon with their herd till before their last winter. They then came down and spent the winter with us at @browseyacres to get fed out - As opposed to many animals that get sent to feed lots - For six months our boys enjoyed the mild SoCal winter as well as all the daily rubs as scratches that come with being on our smaller property to eliminate stress being in such proximity to people. Before the blaring SoCal summer hit, the boys got to rejoin their herd in Oregon and readjust to their new environment for a few months. When it came time to harvest the boys, they were taken to a local family run USDA certified facility. Our partners at @browseyacresoregon supervised the entire process and the boys were harvested within a few minutes of arrival. We hope by sharing their stories our costumers can make informed choices about wether they want to consume meat - to remember Vanth, Orcus and Styx were individuals who lived lives worth living - and to please waste nothing that they’ve given us 🙏🏼❤️🐂 #weraisewagyu #fullbloodjapanesewagyu

August 04, 2021


This little chick got a rough start, but quickly became one of our favorite girls. This is how our honorary duck started at the bottom of the pecking order before basically joining the duck flock thanks to the acceptance of her old friends - our Peking ducks Lefty and Righty. Follow @browseyacres for more animals updates from our little farm.

August 04, 2021


#MochiMonday When me an Mochi baby were super broke I’d let her lick every bowl and plate clean so we wouldn’t waste anything-besides I couldn’t afford treats for her and this was the best I could do- That and our only sink was the bathroom sink which couldn’t handle even the tiniest bit of food in the drain 😅But even as the food budget loosened she was still always ready to do her part and lick every dish clean 🐶❤️

August 03, 2021


Kobe, Porter’s uncle is who inspired @BrowseyAcresWagyu - we raised and fed and cared for him for a full year before one morning, just like all the others before that, he was harvested. It was instant and painless for him - but extremely difficult for us. We cried and hurt together as a family, the whole experience made us doubt our ability to ever raise an animal for food or even eat meat again. That was until that night - we sent the meat to age but had to cook the hanger steaks before they dried out- and by god no matter how we felt we weren’t going to let any of Kobe’s sacrifice go to waste. That first bite changed out lives. I can’t explain it but it was so different than any factory farmed meat we’d ever had. It was that umami favor we’d only heard about - You could literally taste that this animal was happy, stress free, healthy - it tasted like he lived a life worth living, like gratitude. I honestly have not been able to enjoy any red meat we haven’t raised ourselves since. Porter is Kobe’s nephew who we’ve been raising and feeding double the time - two years - and many of you have grown to care for and love him like we have. We want to be able to share this experience with you. We know it’s not for everyone, but we’d like to offer the opportunity to purchase an eighth of what Porter gives us. To eliminate stress for Porter we harvest him here at @browseyacres in a private area away from the other animals - We have a mobile slaughter come to help us process him and take him to a small local family butcher @hottinger_family_meats Because we use this process, he will not be USDA certified and has to auctioned while he’s still alive. If you’re interested in sharing his harvest with us please check the link in my bio to sign up for our newsletter so you’ll be the first to know when the auction opens🙏🏼❤️🐂 #weraisewagyu #fullbloodjapanesewagyu

August 02, 2021


8 weeks to go till baby’s debut! And some days my core is so tight it’s hard not to just curl up in a crampy ball all day. Surprisingly one way I discovered to help loosen up is weeding (@travisbrownemma makes fun of my ineffective ADD weeding style “just focus on one spot at a time!” I can’t focus, okay?! I’m weeding and weeds are everywhere!!) Our new pasture in progress has lost a little of its progress, it was accidentally overgrazed while we were out of town - but it actually exposed all the weeds and much easier to clean up now 👍🏼 so we’re letting it rest a while and giving it a make over. Follow @browseyacres to see how the pasture project develops🌱☀️🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐂🐂🐂🐴❤️

July 31, 2021


#MochiMonday she really was the comfiest dog on the planet. She wasn’t allowed on the couch when she was younger but once she reached “retirement age” (around 8 years old) the couch was her domain to reign - the forbidden fruit was finally hers and no dog enjoyed lounging on a couch more than this girl

July 26, 2021


I can not wait to meet this baby-to see what she’s like, how’s she’s uniquely her, how she’s like me and her dad. I’m dying to see the color of her eyes. What’s her laugh gunna sound like? When she clears her throat is she gunna do it same way me and my mom do? I wish I could say that pregnancy feels amazing, that I’ve never felt more powerful as a woman. But it feels more like my organs are being crushed by the miracle of life. I’ve never felt more exhausted, unmotivated or aware of gravity. Some days I have to lay on my side for hours just to comfortably breathe. There’s no break, it’s a grind, I’m just trying to get through one day at a time. And holy hell what is all this shit coming out of my nipples? How is it possible to feel hungry nauseous and bloated at the same time? This baby is gunna be some kind of superhero cause I swear she’s eating all my muscles. Has anyone seen my butt? I can’t find it. Honestly the looming task of giving birth is intimating as hell. I almost died when I was born - Is baby gunna be okay? I’m not so much afraid of the pain of labor as intimidated by the recovery. Am I gunna need a c-section? Am I gunna prolapse? Are my abs never gunna come back together again? Will I tear open to my butthole and dread pooping forever? It’s hard not to just hide and wait it out. Thank God for Mr. Browne. Not a day goes by without him telling me I’m beautiful, sexy, loved, and appreciated. He holds my belly to give me breaks from carrying, gives me bites of everything he’s eating, then drags me hissing into the sunlight when I wanna go full Gollum. He makes me proud to put on a swimsuit and show the world what I sometimes want to hide from myself. Baby in my belly, I’m already so in love with you, I’ll do anything for you - sign me up for a five year coelacanth pregnancy if need be. I’m not gunna lie and say even just a few months hasn’t been a pain in the ass - but you’re worth it all and more. Eat some muscles, dance on my bladder, split all the abs and buttholes you need to come safely into this world. Mama can’t wait to meet you❤️

July 24, 2021


In her previous life I think she was an ocular surgeon cause no dog could rip the eyeballs off a plush toy faster than her ❤️ #mondayMochi @qosbaszler

July 19, 2021


Thank you everyone who signed up for our first @browseyacres wagyu lottery! Check the link in my bio for your last chance to sign up - be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be notified when the next one opens! We’re announcing the winners soon as well as holding a new lottery every month - so everyone has a chance to buy our humanely raise wagyu. To do it right, we’re starting this endeavor small and scaling up slowly, so supply is extremely limited as we’re currently only selling three of our boys we raised ourselves- Thank you Orcus, Vanth and Styx for giving your lives to help us prove we can prioritize quality of life for our animals while providing the best meat in the world 🙏🏼🐂🐂🐂❤️ Follow @browseyacres and @browseyacresoregon to watch our animals and company grow!

July 16, 2021


No dog had a more piercing bark - it would literally reverberate off the walls. She knew she was great at it too, she loved to bark - The older she got and the less active she could be, the more she would bark to make up for it. I already miss her making my eardrums bleed #MondayMochi Thank you everyone who’s sent and posted old photos and videos of her. Please send me everything you have I love getting these little glimpses of her.

July 13, 2021


I’ve be been avoiding writing this for a while now because I haven’t been ready to face reality yet. But Mochi is no longer with us. She went from looking amazing for her age to having a hard time getting on the couch so quickly it’s hard to believe. If anyone knew retired Mochi they knew the highlights of her twilight were taking her evening tour of our property to find the ideal place to poop - Eating, well, anything (including poop, little turdinator) - And stretching out on her favorite two couches. Over Fourth of July weekend she started having trouble pooping, was hesitant to get up to eat, and even struggling to get on and off the couch. First thing on Monday we took her in to get checked out and found out she had two large tumors and cancer had spread to her lungs. One of the large tumors was on her spleen and it could rupture at any moment, which would have been a horrific and painful death for her. We decided instead of waiting for the inevitable we’d have her spend her last moments at home surrounded by her family. Every night I tucked her in and said goodnight before bed. Every morning the whole family would take turns hugging and kissing her to tell her good morning. She loved the mornings. Every person who came down the stairs she’d greet with a smile (yes she would smile) and wagging tail expecting her morning dose of adoration. Until that last day I thought her morning and evening kisses and cuddles were for her - but now I know they were all for me, for us. I needed to love her. And she was always everything I needed her to be. There will never be another Mochi. She hated seeing me cry, she would whimper and whine with me if I did. She was the most selfless and perfect dog. I was her whole world. But as much as this hurts, if anything I’m glad I could take on the burden of losing her, because if she ever lost me I’d hate for her to not understand or think I left her. Thank you so much for everything Mochi baby, don’t forget I Love My Mo, you’re the best good girl.

July 11, 2021

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