
Ruby Rose


Instagram posts and videos uploaded by rubyrose


Vin already posted this but it was such a special night for so many reasons.. Vincent was the DM for his first time and I played for the first time, it was magic with the whole family. I wanted to post it on my page because I want to be able to watch it every time I want to smile x Image / video description for accessibility I am with my chosen family the Diesels, we are playing dungeon and dragons. I’m in a blue shirt with a drawn scar on my eye in honor of one of Vins kids loving scar from the lion king. I’ve never played before and I’m happier than ever.

November 10, 2021


😍🥰😍🥰😍😍😍😍🗽 RP @vindiesel New York... Peace and kisses Image description My friend Vin and I are in a golf buggy smiling and talking about NYC.

November 10, 2021


Woke up to this amazing piece of art by @steart__ and now all I want is to be on the Simpson’s with my three dogs 😂🤣😭 Image description for accessibility: I have been drawn as a cartoon character from the show “The Simpson’s”. Standing in front of the iconic Springfield home, Homer Simpson is on the lawn in his underwear, scratching his behind. My three dogs are by my feet and I will one thousand percent be telling my kids this was definitely real and a very unforgettable episode 😂😂

November 10, 2021


Peekaboo NYC. 🥰😍 I love the fall. X Thank you @fendi @silviaventurinifendi @mrkimjones #fendipeekaboo #ad Image description Slide one: I am standing in a NY street, next to a potted plant and a stairway. I’m wearing a new bag and my hair is pink and my heart is full. Slide two: Someone ( a friend of mines son ) asked me to wear this dress, I’ve never worn a wrap dress and put it on back the front originally.. I corrected it for this photo. I have sunglasses on, but am inside, don’t judge me. Slide three: I am sitting in a taxi cab, petting my new bag because I’m a little awkward.

October 10, 2021


New York minute. Really fell in love with New York again this trip. Falling in love with my self again has allowed me to fall in love with so much more. Also thank you @ryantrygstadhair .. you knew I needed some love and a little glamor in my life and the cut and color you did really made me look how I feel inside. 🥰 I don’t want to leave .. but alas this next week is going to be beautiful, truly. ADVENTURES ONLY. Also for fellow people who may have .. I don’t know.. not left the house In months.. it isn’t as scary as you think, I went to the park before I could do the crowds. I bought sunglasses and basically dropped my bag and all it’s contents all over bergdorf Goodman’s floor. I almost left a taxi without paying because I forgot it’s not Uber and I kept asking everyone if I was allowed to touch things in store because I don’t know anymore with Covid lol. But I’m full. So full. So give it a go if you can. Image description: Slide one I am standing in front of an elevator, taking a photo through the Mirror, I cut my hair and dyed it a light soft pink. I’m happy. Slide two I am laying in the park, resting, there are beautiful trees everywhere around me ( not pictured ) Other slides: Basically more photos of my hair 😂

October 10, 2021


GOOD MORNING. I held onto this photo for months. I looked at it every few days. This photo made me so happy because it reminded me of how happy I was that day. Taken by my beautiful, inspiring friend who will tell you better than I, that LIFE IS FOR LIVING. I want to share this photo now because what I see is a baby duck ( thanks @jessiej 😂) but someone trying so hard to find her strength, even though she thought it was gone. I lost every part of me a few years ago and I truly never thought I’d be ok again. Not physically not mentally and not spiritually. Ive been sad. I don’t need to go into detail, but if you ARE SAD.. if you are lonely or isolated ( or isolating ) .. if you feel like you don’t have the energy to get out of bed, the energy to make your bed or god forbid leave the house ( I did not leave my house for longer than anyone would know ) Please listen to me when I say, it doesn’t matter who you are, life will throw everything at you, that’s life. I could sit and hide under the blankets for another 3 years just like I have. Do not be hard on yourself. Do not be angry that you are not feeling yourself. You are not lazy. You are tired. The world IS HARD. But THINKING won’t get you out of it.. living will. I feel so sad that i have been so sad for so long. But It DOES GET BETTER and man does that make happiness feel magic. This photo was taken by someone I adore, who inspires me and who helped me wake up. Not by doing anything, just by calling me and checking in every day. Waiting for me to find my self and my life again. Holding space. Please hold space for people who are struggling, in any way at all. Thanks ok. This is very long now and more than I expected to say.. I started this post to tell you to watch @halloweenmovie and somehow we ended up here. STILL WATCH HALLOWEEN KILLS! But also watch out for your mates. Specially the “strong” ones. Xxx Photo : @curtisleejamie

October 10, 2021


Nothing says good mornings, quite like my daily puddle of puppies and my heavenly Hastens bed. 😍 Would someone be a full on legend and bring me a cuppa and some Vegemite on toast? Sending love and rest to everyone feeling a little in need of some R&R. @thesleepspa @hastensbeds Edit : apparently the captions for accessibility didn’t work in the backend for this post so. Image description: All slides: I am sitting in my bed with my three crazy dogs. My bed has a blue and white check headboard and I’m wearing a yellow beanie which was an odd choice but it’s my favorite beanie. I was trying to take a decent photo of my puppy family but my dogs are all basically furry rats who don’t sit still. I’m pretty chipper and well rested. My friend took the photo for me but if I tag them the internet will make it into a fuss about a non existent relationship. So here we are. Have a beautiful day 🥰

September 24, 2021


Life tings 🥰 ————————————- This might be confusing if you have not watched my last post and or were also unaware of how this small little change can help reach so many more cool people. So please bare with me, I have included the image descriptions in the advanced settings that come up when you go to post. I was told by a lot of you guys that it doesn’t always work, so for now I’ve included it in both until I get confirmation about the accessibility by the people who use it and any feedback on how to make it work best. Image description: Slide 1: My friend Rob and I are sitting in a classic car. We have a look on our face that says he knows he’s better looking but we both know I’m taller. Slide 2: This is an image of a very stressed out toy doll. Next to it are very stressed out images of myself, Rob and my dog Ru. But we are ok. Slide 3: I am sorry you have to hear this. It is the first time I’ve ever played drums.

September 22, 2021


This video is so moving and educating. Admittedly I am not tech savvy and I didn’t know How better I could use an image description, moving forward I will always include one. If anyone has any tips on if there is a best way to include the descriptions and what format works I’d appreciate them. Posted @withregram • @habengirma I’m in National Geographic! The best part? People commented on an accessibility barrier, asking @NatGeo to fix it. If you are someone who advocates when you notice a barrier, thank you! 💜 Video Description: (I’m sitting outside speaking, and my guide dog is chilling on the ground behind me.) National Geographic featured me on their Instagram page. I couldn't see the photo, but I recognized the photographer's name. And I remembered that day when I sat down with her, it was just before my book came out, so there was a lot of excitement around the book launch. I decided to just celebrate being featured in National Geographic. And, It was a really hard week, so I just decided I'm not going to advocate on the accessibility of the photo. Then I was reading through the comments and I noticed people commenting: This is missing an image description! Blind people are also on Instagram. There needs to be an image descriptions so all people can have access, including the person in the photo! This video is to say thank you to everyone who's called out a barrier when you've noticed it. #Blind #Accessibility #NatGeo

August 28, 2021


• @mandypatinkin Repost from @culturestrike Dr Tracy Ruscetti aka #SciTimeWithTracy is a biology lecturer and assistant director in the Public Health program at Santa Clara University with a PhD from Louisiana State University School of Medicine Calesha aka #StarseedTeacher describes herself as an intuitive psychic Needless to say, only one of these people are actually qualified to speak on the science of vaccines. TikTok by: @SciTimeWithTracy #COVID19 #GetVaccinated #Coronavirus

August 28, 2021


BRB TTYL I’ll still check in here and there but I’m taking a SM break. Seems redundant to even say it but if I don’t respond to anyones msgs or posts that’s why xxx P.S love y’all PPS My neighbors asked my assistant if A) I am just never home or B) do I just never leave the house.. Truth is - Both. So here I am sitting in my neighbors trash waiting to make friends..no such luck. PPPS I was actually seeing if there were any plants they were throwing out that I could bring back to life 🙏🏼

July 23, 2021


Felt cute. Definitely deleting later. Guys do any liberty spikers out there want to recommend good sunscreen and brands that sell visors ( are they still a thing ) because I need Vitamin D AND sun protection.. this ain’t it #echidnainmytshirt

July 18, 2021

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