

 “With this project, I attempted to visualize the sound and motion of a musician playing their instrument, using several long exposures composited together to achieve this effect. Stylistically, I wanted the visuals to resemble past experiences I've had with synesthesia as closely as possible, using glowsticks and LED lights to paint light across the several-second exposures. The blurs in movement came naturally, as each musician moved to play or swayed along to their own music.” Join us in congratulating this week’s #rmcadwip winner, Erich Rieglmann! Give the artist a follow @riegel_man .

class="content__text" “With this project, I attempted to visualize the sound and motion of a musician playing their instrument, using several long exposures composited together to achieve this effect. Stylistically, I wanted the visuals to resemble past experiences I've had with synesthesia as closely as possible, using glowsticks and LED lights to paint light across the several-second exposures. The blurs in movement came naturally, as each musician moved to play or swayed along to their own music.” Join us in congratulating this week’s #rmcadwip winner, Erich Rieglmann! Give the artist a follow @riegel_man .

February 20, 2023


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