
Leyla Naghizada


Instagram posts and videos uploaded by real_leyla


class="content__text" Ground your presence 👁️ Deep into the core Of your purity & your innocence It’s from this, firmly planted Securely rooted place of power Can you summon the energy That creates Worlds To flow through you And animate you Into being Each heartbeat Like the call of an ancient Sámi drummer One inhale One exhale at a time Calling you home Through the portal Of your very heart Home to the memory And the seed of Truth Within your soul Home to Source. Home to Oneness. Aaah, home at last…❤️‍🔥

February 15, 2023


class="content__text" The vibration of Appreciation is the most effortless way to bring yourself back into alignment 🥰🙏🏼💗 Wanna instantly feel better, then join me in the comments below & share 3-5 things (or more) you can appreciate in this moment 🎁 👇🏼

February 10, 2023


class="content__text" It’s all within… Nothing you seek can be found “out there” ❤️

February 10, 2023


class="content__text" You are in your own way. 🫣 The only thing between the current version of you & the future version of you that is already living your ideal reality, is you. Your unconscious stories & beliefs. And all stories & beliefs are just thoughts you keep on thinking & all thoughts, stories & beliefs can be changed. Our subconscious programming is what creates our reality. Whether we like it or not. Whether we believe it does or not. The most important thing, if you want to live your ideal life, is to get on the journey of becoming aware & conscious of your conditioning & programming & then actively do what you can to create new stories & beliefs through daily habits/rituals that are in alignment with your desires. It all starts with small steps. Take the time to be mindful & observe your thoughts, feelings & beliefs. This will help you to identify & challenge the stories that may be holding you back. Start to create new habits & rituals that are in alignment with your desired reality. This will help you to build consistency & take meaningful action steps towards creating your ideal life. 💗 I believe in you & I love you. 🥰

February 10, 2023


class="content__text" Let’s play a game… 🪄 Pretend I’m a genie that can grant you your Top 3 wishes in life 🥰🙏🏼 The only catch… 🫴 These wishes MUST come from your ❤️ and not from your 🧠 Take some time now to go into your heart & allow those desires to rise up to your awareness.. 👁️ Once you’re crystal clear on what those wishes are, tell the Genie below ☺️👇🏼

February 03, 2023


class="content__text" If you’ve been asking for a Sign… Here it is. Whatever it is that you’re feeling called to do, but aren’t doing due to some mental excuse… You are ready. Just begin. Just take that first step & begin moving in the direction of your dreams & your future self. Start small. Let go of the idealized version of seeking some level of perfection & realize that you are already perfect & whole as you are. 💗🙏🏼

February 03, 2023


class="content__text" What does it mean to be Conscious? To be conscious is to be intentional. Being conscious means that you learn to be fully present in the Now & use your sovereignty & free will to choose from a place of intentionally how you want to respond to each new moment. And learn to override the habituated, default, conditioned state of mind that is stored in the subconscious mind. Sure, it takes time to teach your brain these new ways of being, but in time, it becomes your new operating system & a brand new state of being in the world & you begin to function from a place of True Power. That is what Being LUCA means. It means to choose to be loving, remembering that All is ONE & that all you experience internally & see externally is an extension of you in another form. To be Conscious & aware of yourself & to learn to calibrate your thoughts, feelings & emotions back into Alignment with who you are already in your Essence. What are some daily rituals & practices that you do to keep yourself in Alignment? If this content resonates with you, please take a moment to share it with your loved ones & share below your daily empowering habits, I’d love to know. 👇🏼

February 03, 2023


class="content__text" Life is meant to feel good… 😊 Plain & simple. If it doesn’t, your thinking mind is blocking the way of your natural state of well-being to flow through you. 🚫 On the path to becoming a conscious creator, there will be a period of time, where the old, habitual thought patterns get in our way..💬 No big deal. When you catch yourself not feeling good.. Stop. ⛔️ Bring awareness to what it is that you were just thinking, what story was your mind creating that caused the lower frequency emotion to be generated. ❓ Then, practice moving that energy out of your head space & bringing it down into your body & heart… 🥰🙏🏼 Connect to your inner child, to that place of innocence, which is the birthplace of joy & from that place of a playful mindset, go & infuse the next moment with a light-hearted feeling of pure presence & an attitude of Play. 😜 If this reminder served you, please share & pass this message along, so others can also remember & attune to their natural state of well-being 😇

February 03, 2023


class="content__text" We have all unconsciously bought into a Lie 🥸 There is this one, most significant shift in consciousness that can have the most profound impact on your life experience as a human.. 🤯 And it is this remembering and realising of this One Universal Truth, that any change or transformation that you seek to experience in your external reality, doesn’t have to come from any physical actions that you take. Life is designed and meant to be effortless. We are meant to easily, gracefully & EFFORTLESSLY magnetise all of our desires to us, not through actions that come from a place of needing something that is seemingly missing in our outer reality… But from perfect, Energetic Alignment of our Energy Centres. Does that mean, we don’t take any actions in the physical? Of course, not. If that was the case, we wouldn’t need to incarnate to begin with… However, when the actions that you take come from a place of Remembering Your True Nature… Remembering that you are Source Energy in physical form… Remembering that every moment contains eternity within it… Your actions are inspired by & come from a non-physical aspect of you, the aspect of you that is Source itself. It is the Infinite Intelligence, part of You, for simplicity sake, lets call it: Soul, Inner Being, Higher Self, that has a higher perspective on your Human Experience, that is expertly guiding, the Human You (the personality, the ego, the human self), along your physical trail. In Quantum Physics terms, this is referred to as, creating from the Infinite, Quantum Field, as opposed to creating from Matter… I’m still integrating this realization myself.. Because the shift that occurs within your consciousness, literally elevates your human experience, to a Whole New Level of existence. If you were to think of this reality we are all a part of, as a video game (which, spoiler alert: it is), you now, quite literally, went up a LEVEL & are in a Whole New Game… So FUN!! 🤓

January 27, 2023


class="content__text" Inspiration vs Motivation ✨ Can you recognise when your actions are coming from inspiration vs motivation? There is a really large vibrational difference in the energetic signature between these two states. Motivation comes from wanting to avoid an unwanted circumstance. It comes from the old conditioned ways of being. It comes from a Belief in Fear, Lack, Limitation & Separation. For example: you’re motivated to get a job, because you don’t want to lose your house. You’re motivated to eat healthy, because you want to avoid getting a disease down the line. You’re motivated to workout, because you want to lose weight & appear more physically attractive. All of that comes from a sense of not being enough, from lack & fear. Now, inspiration comes from a place of Wholeness. It comes from knowing who you are. That you are whole & complete in this very moment, exactly as you are & where you are. It comes from a feeling of being totally satiated with what is, from a place of connection to your True Self. In order to feel inspired we have to feel good. When we feel good, we are in a state of allowing & receiving the well-being that is already ours and is constantly being offered to us. My favourite way to tap into inspiration is to do anything that raises my vibration to bring myself into a good feeling state, allow myself to get into a state of appreciation & satisfaction with what is… Sit in stillness Get quite. Listen & Receive. Our inner wisdom is always there guiding the way, but we tend to block it with our thoughts of lack, fear, limitation & separation. If you do this formula, it works like magic… 🪄 And it’s like a muscle. The more you practice it, the more effortless it becomes. Give it a try if it resonates with you & let me know how it goes for you. 👇🏼 Save this post to come back to later 🔖 & share with someone you love 💗

January 20, 2023


class="content__text" Beautiful Live Replay With @real_leyla , the founder of @beingluca ! We talk about: ✨ Leyla’s journey to becoming a conscious creator of her experience ✨ potent tools to cultivate fertile soil for conscious creation ✨ the importance of taking full responsibility for our experience ✨ embodying the feeling of fulfilled desires so our physical experience mirrors that back to us ✨practicing focus so we can direct our mind, emotions, and action into single-pointedness ✨ tuning to the vibration of our true Being as Creator and ✨ Leyla’s vision for @beingluca ! This was an amazing and meant-to-be connection. So grateful to Leyla for her beautiful devotion and for sharing space with me! Until next time! 🙏🏻

January 17, 2023


class="content__text" In my latest YouTube video, I share some footage I documented of that time I spent 5 days in complete darkness, with the intention, to deeply connect to my soul & receive guidance on my next steps in life. 🕯️ I first learnt about this mind medicine after watching @aubreymarcus share his experience on his podcast, and immediately knew it was something I wanted to experience for myself. If you’re familiar with Vipassana Meditation, then this is like the next, more advanced level of that type of practice… No distractions. No light. Just you & your mind… It was exactly what I needed & I so appreciate to have had the chance to experience it firsthand. To watch the full video, head to my YouTube channel: BeingLUCA (direct link in stories) 🎥

January 17, 2023

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