


Instagram posts and videos uploaded by ncell


class="content__text" Featuring @suiro.teas • In a country where tea is a beloved and a staple drink for most citizens, and with the topography best for growing tea, Shrisha Pradhananga, along with Hong Mei Liao, saw a gap in the market between suppliers and customers. Coming from a family of botanists, Shrisha had always been fascinated by flowers and plants. Seeing the lack of quality tea in a country with some of the best places to grow tea, she found that not only was there a gap on the market but also the lack of options for customers. In 2018, Shrisha met her co-founder Hong Mei, who is tea specialist, through a mutual friend. As they started to meet up frequently, they started discussing the tea culture in Nepal and China respectively. The more Shrisha and Hong Mei discussed about tea, the more they were motivated to start their own tea company. Hong Mei, with a Master’s degree in Phytochemistry and research in the health benefits of herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Shrisha’s ITA Tea Sommelier Certification, the two decided to introduce an alternative way of life through the art of tea to Nepali people and support the ever growing tea community. Thereafter, in 2022, Suiro Teas became an official tea company, offering hand selected herbal blends, flower teas and quality tea. Currently, Suiro Teas is one of the well-known tea companies in the niche tea community. The Suiro team wants to change the perception of tea and want to develop a tea culture as well as become a truly Nepali brand that provides the best quality of tea to the customers. Suiro has also collaborated with a renowned artist Gopal Kalapremi Shrestha for highly valuable series of ceramic wares. This collection represents a modern interpretation of traditional Nepali craftsmanship, and aims to bridge the gap between contemporary design and timeless craft. In future, Shrisha and Hong Mei hope to take Suiro to new heights by becoming the go-to brand for quality tea as well as open a tea room for an authentic tea experience. #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022


class="content__text" Featuring @suiro.teas • अधिकाँश नागरिकहरुको लागि चिया अत्यन्त प्रिय एवं मुख्य पेय भएको, र चिया खेतीको लागि भौगोलिक बनावट पनि उपयुक्त भएको देशको चिया बजारमा श्रीशा प्रधानाङ्ग र होङ मे लियाओले आपूर्तिकर्ताहरु र उपभोक्ताहरु बीच आपसी समन्वय नरहेको देखे। श्रीशा वनस्पतिविद्सँग सम्बन्धित परिवारमा हुर्कि बढेकी हुँदा उनी फूलहरु र बोटविरुवाहरुका बारेमा सानैदेखि रुची राख्ने गर्दथिन्। चिया खेतीको लागि उत्कृष्ट स्थानहरु भएर पनि देशमा उत्कृष्ट गुणस्तरको चियाको अभाव रहेको मात्र उनले देखिनन् कि साथसाथै बजारमा ग्राहकहरुको लागि अन्य विकल्प समेत नभएको उनले थाहा पाइन्। सन् २०१८ मा श्रीशाले सह–संस्थापक होङ मेलाई एक साथीमार्फत् भेटिन्, जो आफै पनि एक चिया विज्ञ थिए। उनीहरुको भेटघाट बाक्लिंदै गएपछि उनीहरु बीच नेपाल र चिनको चिया संस्कृतिका बारेमा समेत छलफल हुन थाल्यो। जति धेरै श्रीशा र होङ मेले चियाको बारेमा चर्चा परिचर्चा गर्थे, त्यति नै धेरै उनीहरु आफ्नै एउटा चिया कम्पनी स्थापना गर्ने विषयमा उत्प्रेरित हुन्थे। यी दुबै मिलेर समाजमा कसरी चियाको उचित प्रबर्धन गर्ने र यसको महत्वलाई अझ विशेष बनाउने पहलमा एक जुट भइ बढ्दै गएको चिया सम्युदयालाई सहयोग गर्ने निर्णय गरे। त्यसपछि सन् २०२२ मा सुइरो टीज्ले औपचारिकता पायो, जुन कम्पनीले चुनिएका जडिबुटी मिश्रीत चिया, विभिन्न फूलका चियाहरु र गुणस्तरीय चिया उपलब्ध गराउँदै आएको छ। हाल, सुइरो टीज् प्रसिद्ध चिया कम्पनीहरु मध्येको एक हो। सुइरो टिमले चिया सम्बन्धी धारणामा परिवर्तन ल्याउन चाहन्छ र चिया संस्कृतिको विकास सँगसँगै ग्राहकहरुलाई उत्कृष्ट गुणस्तरको चिया उपलब्ध गराउने वास्तविक नेपाली ब्राण्डको रुपमा स्थापित हुने चाहना राखेको छ। सुइरोले ख्यातिप्राप्त चित्रकार गोपाल कलाप्रेमी श्रेष्ठसँग उच्च गुणस्तर सेरामिक सामानहरुको शृँखलाका लागि पनि सहकार्य गरेको छ। यो संग्रहले परम्परागत नेपाली शिल्पकलाको आधुनिक भाष्यलाई प्रतिनिधित्व गर्दछ, र साथै समकालीन डिजाइन एवं अपरिवर्तनीय कलाबीचको खाडललाई कम गर्ने लक्ष्य राखेको छ। श्रीशा र होङ मीले सुइरो उत्कृष्ट चियाको लागि एक चलनचल्तीको ब्राण्ड बनेर नयाँ उचाईमा पुग्ने, साथ साथै एक प्रमाणित चिया अनुभूतिका लागि एउटा चिया कक्ष खोल्ने आशा लिएका छन्। #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022


class="content__text" Featuring @suiro.teas • In a country where tea is a beloved and a staple drink for most citizens, and with the topography best for growing tea, Shrisha Pradhananga, along with Hong Mei Liao, saw a gap in the market between suppliers and customers. Coming from a family of botanists, Shrisha had always been fascinated by flowers and plants. Seeing the lack of quality tea in a country with some of the best places to grow tea, she found that not only was there a gap on the market but also the lack of options for customers. In 2018, Shrisha met her co-founder Hong Mei, who is tea specialist, through a mutual friend. As they started to meet up frequently, they started discussing the tea culture in Nepal and China respectively. The more Shrisha and Hong Mei discussed about tea, the more they were motivated to start their own tea company. Hong Mei, with a Master’s degree in Phytochemistry and research in the health benefits of herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Shrisha’s ITA Tea Sommelier Certification, the two decided to introduce an alternative way of life through the art of tea to Nepali people and support the ever growing tea community. Thereafter, in 2022, Suiro Teas became an official tea company, offering hand selected herbal blends, flower teas and quality tea. Currently, Suiro Teas is one of the well-known tea companies in the niche tea community. The Suiro team wants to change the perception of tea and want to develop a tea culture as well as become a truly Nepali brand that provides the best quality of tea to the customers. Suiro has also collaborated with a renowned artist Gopal Kalapremi Shrestha for highly valuable series of ceramic wares. This collection represents a modern interpretation of traditional Nepali craftsmanship, and aims to bridge the gap between contemporary design and timeless craft. In future, Shrisha and Hong Mei hope to take Suiro to new heights by becoming the go-to brand for quality tea as well as open a tea room for an authentic tea experience. #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022


class="content__text" Featuring @arunodayaprajapati • When Arunodaya Prajapati was a young boy, his uncle started wood carving in Bhaktapur, a city full of beautiful, intricate, and unique designs that were adorned on temples, shrines and houses.  Growing up surrounded by the beautiful Nepali arts and culture and distinctive Newari architecture, art always had a special place in Arunodaya’s heart. As with many young people, Arunodaya put his hidden passion aside to pursue a career in Engineering. Despite having a background in engineering, he always knew that someday he would be working in the field of his passion. When the family business had to be passed down, Arunodaya took the responsibility in his hands and gave up his career to look after one of Bhaktapur’s oldest running wood carving business. Although the industry of wood carving is slowly dying, Arunodaya’s appreciation of Nepali art, lost amidst the current generation, only grew further. Slowly, an increase in demand from tourists for Nepali wood carvings instigated mass production of these designs where artisans began to compromise on the old techniques and quality. However, Arunodaya wanted to continue carving wood using ancient methods and preserving the cultural depth of each artwork. Consequently, after taking over the business in 2009, Arunodaya brought with him a new zest and creativity in the business. His fascination with Bhaktapur’s ancient temples and culture reignited his hidden passion for wood carving and he started designing lattices as well as various other pieces available at Himalayan Wood Carving Masterpieces. Currently, there are 12 artisans that work alongside Arunodaya. Though his works are very sought after by collectors from all over the world, Arunodaya holds all his pieces close to his heart. His goal in the future is to showcase traditional Newari designs at a global scale and make people aware of the unique art culture in Nepal as well as establish a museum for all his pieces for the generations to come to admire and feel pride of the truly unique pieces of wood carvings. #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022


class="content__text" Featuring @arunodayaprajapati • अरुणोदय प्रजापति जब किशोरावस्थामा थिए, त्यतिबेला नै उनको काकाले भक्तपुरमा काष्ठकलाको व्यवसाय शुरु गरे। भक्तपुर एक यस्तो शहर हो जहाँ सुन्दर, जटिल एवं अद्भूत कलाकारितायुक्त डिजाइनहरु मन्दिरहरु, देवलहरु र घर घरमा सजाइएको देख्न सकिन्छ । यस्तो आकर्षक नेपाली कला, संस्कृति एवं विशिष्ट नेवारी वास्तुकलाको परिवेशमा हुर्किएका अरुणोदयको हृदयमा कलाको स्थान सधैं उच्च रहँदै आएको थियो । अन्य थुप्रै युवाहरु सरह अरुणोदयले आफूभित्रको चाहनालाई थाँती राखेर इन्जिनियरिङ्ग क्षेत्रमा करियर बढाउन अग्रसर भए । इन्जिनियरिङ्गको पृष्ठभूमी भएता पनि कुनै दिन आफ्नो चाहनाको क्षेत्रमा समेत काम गर्न पाउनेमा उनी विश्वस्त थिए । जब पारिवारिक व्यवसाय धराशायी बन्दै गयो, अरुणोदयले आफ्नो हातमा त्यसको जिम्मेवारी लिए र आफ्नो करियरलाई त्याग्दै भक्तपुरमा संचालनमा रहेको सबैभन्दा पुरानो काष्ठकलाको व्यवसाय सम्हाले । काष्ठकला उद्योग क्रमशः लोपोन्मुख छ र अहिलेको पुस्तामा त्यसको मोह हराउँदै गए तापनि अरुणोदयको नेपाली कला प्रतिको मोह बढ्दै गएको छ। विस्तारै, नेपाली काष्ठकलाहरुको माग पर्यटकहरुबाट बढ्न थालेपछि ठूलो परिमाणमा उत्पादन गर्नका लागि कारीगरहरुले परम्परागत प्रविधि र गुणस्तरमा सम्झौता गर्न थाले । यद्यपि, अरुणोदय पुरातन विधिहरु प्रयोग गरेर र प्रत्येक कलाकृतिको सांस्कृतिक गहनताको संरक्षण गर्दै काष्ठकलालाई निरन्तरता दिन चाहन्थे । फलस्वरुप, सन् २००९ मा व्यवसायको जिम्मेवारी सम्हालेपछि अरुणोदयले व्यवसायमा सिर्जना र आफूमा नयाँ जोश ल्याए । भक्तपुरका पुरातन मन्दिरहरु र संस्कृतिसँगको मोहले काष्ठकला प्रतिको उनको भित्रको लगावलाई फेरि जगाइदियो अनि हिमालयन वुड कार्भिङ्ग मास्टरपीसेजमा (Himalayan Wood Carving Masterpieces) उपलब्ध अन्य विविध कृतिहरुका साथसाथै आँखीझ्यालहरु डिजाइन गर्न शुरु गरे । हाल अरुणोदय सँगसँगै अन्य १२ जना कारीगरहरुले काम गरिरहेका छन् । हुन त संसारभरका संकलकहरुद्वारा उनको कामको धेरै खोजी भएको छ तर पनि अरुणोदयले आफ्ना सबै कृतिहरुलाई आफ्नो हृदयमा स्थान दिएर राखेका छन् । उनको भविष्यको लक्ष्य भनेकै पारम्परिक नेवारी डिजाइनहरुलाई विश्वव्यापी रुपमा प्रदर्शन गर्ने र नेपाली अद्भूत कला संस्कृतिको बारेमा मानिसहरुलाई सचेत गराउनेका अलावा आउँदो पुस्ताको लागि वास्तविक अद्वितीय काष्ठकलाका नमूनाहरु संग्रहित एक संग्रहालयको स्थापना गर्ने रहेको छ । #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022


class="content__text" Featuring @arunodayaprajapati • When Arunodaya Prajapati was a young boy, his uncle started wood carving in Bhaktapur, a city full of beautiful, intricate, and unique designs that were adorned on temples, shrines and houses.  Growing up surrounded by the beautiful Nepali arts and culture and distinctive Newari architecture, art always had a special place in Arunodaya’s heart. As with many young people, Arunodaya put his hidden passion aside to pursue a career in Engineering. Despite having a background in engineering, he always knew that someday he would be working in the field of his passion. When the family business had to be passed down, Arunodaya took the responsibility in his hands and gave up his career to look after one of Bhaktapur’s oldest running wood carving business. Although the industry of wood carving is slowly dying, Arunodaya’s appreciation of Nepali art, lost amidst the current generation, only grew further. Slowly, an increase in demand from tourists for Nepali wood carvings instigated mass production of these designs where artisans began to compromise on the old techniques and quality. However, Arunodaya wanted to continue carving wood using ancient methods and preserving the cultural depth of each artwork. Consequently, after taking over the business in 2009, Arunodaya brought with him a new zest and creativity in the business. His fascination with Bhaktapur’s ancient temples and culture reignited his hidden passion for wood carving and he started designing lattices as well as various other pieces available at Himalayan Wood Carving Masterpieces. Currently, there are 12 artisans that work alongside Arunodaya. Though his works are very sought after by collectors from all over the world, Arunodaya holds all his pieces close to his heart. His goal in the future is to showcase traditional Newari designs at a global scale and make people aware of the unique art culture in Nepal as well as establish a museum for all his pieces for the generations to come to admire and feel pride of the truly unique pieces of wood carvings. #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022


class="content__text" Featuring @sneha_shrestha_vegan • सन् २०१४ भन्दा अघि स्नेहा श्रेष्ठले कहिल्यै पनि आफू जनावरको आश्रय, उद्धार तथा उपचार कार्यमा काम गर्छु भनेर सोचेकोसम्म पनि थिइनन् । कारण, उनको पृष्ठभूमी र अनुभव ट्रेकिङ क्षेत्रसँग सम्बन्धित थियो । उनले जब २ वटा छाउराहरु पाल्न थालीन् तबमात्र उनमा जनावर प्रतिको प्रेम उर्लन थालेको थियो, अन्यथा त्यसभन्दा अघि उनलाई जनावरसँग त्यति लगाव थिएन । एउटा अप्रत्यासति घटनाले उनको प्रिय पप्पी जाराको मृत्यु उनको आफ्नै घरमा भएपछि त्यसले उनलाई नराम्रो प्रभाव पार्यो अनि आफ्नो परिवारको एक सदस्यलाई बचाउन नसक्नुको दोषले स्नेहाको मानसिक स्वास्थ्यमा समेत असर पुर्यायो । यो घटनापछि स्नेहाले सन् २०१५ मा जाराको सम्झनामा स्नेहाज् केयर नामको एक संस्था स्थापना गरेर सामुदायिक कुकुरहरुका साथै अन्य बेवारिसे जनावहरुलाई उपचार, उद्धार एवं सुरक्षाको लागि आश्रय दिन शुरु गरिन् । सामुदायिक कुकुरहरु माथि गरिने दुर्व्यवहार र तिनका कुपोषण देखेर स्नेहाले बिस्कुटका प्याकेटहरु मात्र यी कुकुरहरुलाई पर्याप्त नभएको महसुस गरिन् । उनले सडकहरुबाट त्यस्ता कुकुरहरुको उद्धार गर्न थालीन् र ती कुकुरहरु आरामले जिउन पाउँछन् भन्ने आशामा केनल क्लबहरुमा लगेर राख्न थालीन् । तर उनले केनल क्लबहरुमा यसरी शुल्क तिरेर धेरै समयसम्म राख्न सकिन्न भन्ने थाहा पाइन् । यसपछि आफ्नो पति र परिवारको सहायताले उनले जनावरहरुलाई हेरचाह एवं धेरै माया प्रदान गर्न आफ्नै आश्रय स्थल संचालन गरिन् । जनावरहरु प्रति उनको समर्पण र प्रेम दिन प्रति दिन बढ्दै गयो अनि उनले अझ धेरै जनावरहरुलाई मद्दत गर्न घर पालुवा जनावरहरुको उद्धार संस्था शुरु गरिन् र जनावरहरुसँगको यो लगावसँगै उनले आफूलाई भेगनमा परिवर्तन समेत गरिन् । आज, स्नेहाज् केयरमा १७० कुकुरहरु, ७ वटा सुँगुरहरु र केही गाईहरुले आश्रय लिइरहेका छन् । संस्थाले हाल सामुदायिक कुकुरहरुको संख्या नियन्त्रणका लागि अभियान चलाइरहेको छ । स्नेहा “अदोप्त, डोन्ट शप” (Adopt, don’t shop) अभियानको पक्षपोषक पनि हुन् र हजारौं रुपैयाँ खर्च गरेर उच्च जातका कुकुरहरु किन्नु भन्दा सामुदायिक कुकुरहरु नै पाल्न उनले अभिप्रेरित गर्दै आइरहेकी छिन् । भविष्यमा सामुदायिक भनिएका सबै कुकुरहरुलाई मानिसहरुले आफ्नो घरमा पालेर तिनलाई उचित माया र स्याहार प्रदान गर्नेमा आशावादी रहेकी स्नेहा त्यसपछि आफूले संचालन गरेको आश्रय स्थल आवश्यक नपर्ने विश्वास गर्छिन् । #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022


class="content__text" Featuring @sneha_shrestha_vegan • Before 2014, Sneha Shrestha had never imagined she would be running an animal shelter or working in the field of animal rescue and treatment due to her background and experience in trekking industry. She wasn’t an animal lover until she adopted two puppies for whom she found a soft spot for. Due to an unfortunate event, her beloved puppy, Zara, had passed away in her own home. The guilt of not being able to protect a member of her family took a toll on Sneha and her mental health. For this reason, in 2015, Sneha founded Sneha’s Care, an animal shelter to treat, rescue and protect community dogs among other abandoned animals, all in the memory of Zara. Coming across community dogs that had been mistreated and malnourished, Sneha realized that packs of biscuits were not enough to feed these dogs.  She started rescuing dogs from the streets and placing them in kennel clubs, in hopes they would be living in comfort. However, she noticed that the conditions of these kennels and the daily fees she had to pay weren’t going to be sustainable.  With support of her husband and family, she started her own shelter to provide animals with utmost love and care. As the days passed, her love and dedication for animals became stronger, and she founded a farm animal refuge to help even more animals, as well as becoming vegan in the process. As of today, Sneha’s Care is home to 170 dogs, seven pigs and several cows. The organization is also currently involved in spraying and neutering campaign to control population of community dogs. She is an advocate for the “Adopt; don’t shop” movement and encouraging people to adopt local dogs rather than spending thousands on breed dogs. In future, Sneha hopes to close down her shelter as she hopes to see all community dogs live in loving homes where they are treated with love and care. #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022


class="content__text" Featuring @sneha_shrestha_vegan • Before 2014, Sneha Shrestha had never imagined she would be running an animal shelter or working in the field of animal rescue and treatment due to her background and experience in trekking industry. She wasn’t an animal lover until she adopted two puppies for whom she found a soft spot for. Due to an unfortunate event, her beloved puppy, Zara, had passed away in her own home. The guilt of not being able to protect a member of her family took a toll on Sneha and her mental health. For this reason, in 2015, Sneha founded Sneha’s Care, an animal shelter to treat, rescue and protect community dogs among other abandoned animals, all in the memory of Zara. Coming across community dogs that had been mistreated and malnourished, Sneha realized that packs of biscuits were not enough to feed these dogs.  She started rescuing dogs from the streets and placing them in kennel clubs, in hopes they would be living in comfort. However, she noticed that the conditions of these kennels and the daily fees she had to pay weren’t going to be sustainable.  With support of her husband and family, she started her own shelter to provide animals with utmost love and care. As the days passed, her love and dedication for animals became stronger, and she founded a farm animal refuge to help even more animals, as well as becoming vegan in the process. As of today, Sneha’s Care is home to 170 dogs, seven pigs and several cows. The organization is also currently involved in spraying and neutering campaign to control population of community dogs. She is an advocate for the “Adopt; don’t shop” movement and encouraging people to adopt local dogs rather than spending thousands on breed dogs. In future, Sneha hopes to close down her shelter as she hopes to see all community dogs live in loving homes where they are treated with love and care. #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022


class="content__text" Featuring @legion.np • As it goes with many young people, video games are a great way to connect with people from all over the world and make new friends through the means of the internet. Many of the greatest friendships happen when the same passion is shared amongst a group. The same can be said for Team Legion, a team of e-sports players who started out as strangers playing video games online and are now a brotherhood on the path to change the perception of e-sports in Nepal.   Team Legion was formed back in 2020, when five friends came together to play a new game that had just been released, Valorant, and to form a team that could perform at an international level. The game that brought the team together, CS: GO, had just come to an end but had left behind a bond that was a start of a brotherhood. Together the team would play online for hours, practicing their skills and making most of the situation during the 2020 lockdown. Since the gaming industry in Nepal is still in its infancy and most people still don’t believe it to be a viable career path, Team Legion struggled to find support and sponsors for the various tournaments they participated in. However, their passion and dedication towards e-sports has made them quite popular among the niche gaming community. As of now, they are the top performing players of Valorant in Nepal and have won Beyond eSports Valorant Starter Cup and Mayhem Invitational Tournament. Alongside, they also won 3rd place in International tournament, Eslang Cup Week 1 and Week 2, and were runner-ups in the 1st Nepal Bhutan VCC Qualifiers.   With the increasing popularity of gaming and e-sports globally, Team Legion hopes to make a change in the gaming scene in Nepal and prove that video games can be turned into a career. In the coming days, Team Legion hopes to participate in more tournaments locally and internationally and one day hopes to organize a tournament in Dasharath Rangashala.   #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022


class="content__text" Featuring @legion.np • As it goes with many young people, video games are a great way to connect with people from all over the world and make new friends through the means of the internet. Many of the greatest friendships happen when the same passion is shared amongst a group. The same can be said for Team Legion, a team of e-sports players who started out as strangers playing video games online and are now a brotherhood on the path to change the perception of e-sports in Nepal.   Team Legion was formed back in 2020, when five friends came together to play a new game that had just been released, Valorant, and to form a team that could perform at an international level. The game that brought the team together, CS: GO, had just come to an end but had left behind a bond that was a start of a brotherhood. Together the team would play online for hours, practicing their skills and making most of the situation during the 2020 lockdown. Since the gaming industry in Nepal is still in its infancy and most people still don’t believe it to be a viable career path, Team Legion struggled to find support and sponsors for the various tournaments they participated in. However, their passion and dedication towards e-sports has made them quite popular among the niche gaming community. As of now, they are the top performing players of Valorant in Nepal and have won Beyond eSports Valorant Starter Cup and Mayhem Invitational Tournament. Alongside, they also won 3rd place in International tournament, Eslang Cup Week 1 and Week 2, and were runner-ups in the 1st Nepal Bhutan VCC Qualifiers.   With the increasing popularity of gaming and e-sports globally, Team Legion hopes to make a change in the gaming scene in Nepal and prove that video games can be turned into a career. In the coming days, Team Legion hopes to participate in more tournaments locally and internationally and one day hopes to organize a tournament in Dasharath Rangashala.   #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022


class="content__text" Featuring @legion.np • धेरै युवाहरु भिडियो गेम्समा जोडिएसँगै भिडियो गेम्स इन्टरनेटमार्फत् संसारभरका मानिसहरुसँग सम्पर्क बढाउने र नयाँ नयाँ साथीहरु बनाउने एक माध्यम बनेको छ । जब एउटै रुचि भएका समूहबीच त्यस्तो रुचिहरु आदान प्रदान हुन्छ तब गहिरो मित्रता गाँसिन पुग्छ। टिम लिजियनको हकमा त्यही कुरा भएको छ । टिम लिजियन इ–स्पोर्टस खेलाडीहरुको एक टिम हो, जसले अपरिचित रहेर अनलाइन भिडियो गेम्स खेल्न शुरु गरे र अहिले एक आपसमा हातेमालो गर्दै नेपालमा इ–स्पोर्टसको अवधारणा बदल्ने प्रयासमा लागेका छन् ।   टिम लिजियनको स्थापना सन् २०२० मा भएको थियो । त्यो समयमा एउटा नयाँ खेल भ्यालोरेन्ट (Valorant) को भर्खर शुरुवात् भएको थियो र त्यो खेल खेल्नका लागि ५ जना अपरिचित साथीहरुले अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्न एउटा टिम बनाएका थिए । सी एस: जी ओ(CS:GO) खेल २०२० मा अन्त्य भयो तर यो खेलले यस टिमलाई नजिक बनाइदियो। सन् २०२० को लकडाउनका दौरान, टिम लिजियन एक आपसमा घण्टौसम्म अनलाइन खेली आफ्ना सीप क्षमताको अभ्यास गर्दै समयको सदुपयोग गरेर बिताए। नेपालमा अझै पनि गेमिङ्ग उद्योग प्रति मानिसहरुको धारणा सकारात्मक भई नसकेको र अधिकांश मानिसहरुले यो एक करियर बन्न सक्छ भनेर विश्वास नगरिरहेको अवस्थामा टिम लिजियनले आफूहरुले सहभागीता जनाउने विभिन्न प्रतियोगीताहरुका लागि प्रायोजकहरु त्था सहयोगीहरु खोज्न ठूलै संघर्ष गर्नु परेको थियो । जे होस्, उनीहरुको इ–स्पोर्टस प्रतिको रुचि र समर्पणले उनीहरुलाई गेमिङ्ग समुदायमा लोकप्रिय बनाइदियो । हाल नेपालको शीर्ष भ्यालोरेन्ट पर्फमिङ्ग खेलाडीहरुको स्थानमा रहेको यो टिमले इ–स्पोर्टस स्टार्टर कप र मेहेम आमन्त्रण प्रतियोगीता जितिसकेको छ । यसका साथै एस्लाङ्ग कप सप्ताह १ र सप्ताह २, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय प्रतियोगीतामा तेस्रो स्थान हासिल गर्न सफल भैसकेका छन् भने प्रथम नेपाल भुटान भिसिसि क्वालिफायर्सको उप विजेता पनि भएका छन् ।   विश्वमा बढ्दो गेमिङ्ग र इ–स्पोर्टसको क्रेजसँगै टिम लिजियन नेपालमा पनि गेमिङ्गको परिदृश्यमा परिवर्तन ल्याउन र भिडियो गेम्स एक करियरको रुपमा रहेको प्रमाणित गर्न सकिनेमा आशावादी देखिन्छन् । आउँदा दिनहरुमा देशभित्रै र अन्तर्राष्ट्रियस्तरका अन्य धेरै प्रतियोगीताहरुमा सहभागीता जनाउने आशा राख्दै एक दिन दशरथ रङ्गशालामा आफैले पनि त्यस्तो प्रतियोगीता आयोजना गर्ने सपना उनीहरुले देखेका छन् । #ChaseYourDreams #DreamsComeTrue #DreamersAndDoers #MadeinNepal #Nepal #Nepali #PossibleChaSabai

July 16, 2022

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