THIS IS THE LAST DAY I’M OFFERING MY EBOOK FOR FREE. 2 months ago, I published a best of edition of my PEAKS OF EUROPE book, in an exclusive ebook version. 5,000+ people have download it for free on my website since I’ve shared it! Tonight at midnight PST, the download link will expire and, as agreed with my publisher, this ebook will NEVER BE AVAILABLE FOR FREE ANYMORE. If you too want to receive it for free in your mailbox, and get a good dose of inspiration for your next road trip adventure in Europe, you just have a few hours left before it’s too late! This ebook includes a selection of 160 pages out of the 256 pages of the original paper book, but also photography tips, and full of travel notes. It will bring you to 15+ European countries, on an epic photography journey chasing the most photogenic places of Europe. You haven’t downloaded your copy yet? Head now on (link in bio)
October 02, 2020
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