ዛሬ የልደቴን ቀን ሳከብር ፈጣሪን ላደረገልኝና ለሰጠኝ በረከት ሁሉ እያመሰገንኩ፣ ለሀገሬ ኢትዬጵያ ሰላም እየጸለይኩ ነው:: መድሐኒዓለም ሀገራችንንና ህዝብዋን ያስብ:: Picture by @abelgashaw_visual Make up by @liya_gole
November 08, 2021
ለፒንክ ሀውስና ለጡት ካንሰር ግንዛቤ ማስጨበጫ እሁድ ጥቅምት 21 በምናደርገው የእግር ጉዞ ድጋፎን በመስጠት ይቀላቀሉን:: Fundraiser walk for Pink House & Breast Cancer Awareness. Please register using the link in @abcpinkhouse bio ASAP! There is limited availability for walk attendance. Sunday, October 31st, 8am, Meskel Square Contact +251948060406 or [email protected] for details. #ብርታትሽብርታቴ #AlemtsehayBreastCancerFoundation
October 24, 2021
አለማየሁ እሸቴ በማረፋ እጅግ አዝኛለሁ:: ነብሱን በአጸደ ገነት ያሳርፍልን: ለቤተሰቡ መጽናናትን: ለብዙ ትውልድ የሙዚቃ አድናቂዎቹም ብርታትና በድንቅ ሥራዎቹ መጽናናትን ይስጥልኝ:: ነብስ ይማር!
September 22, 2021
የማህሌት አፈወርቅ "ከእኛ ጋር በኩራት ይራመዱ ቨርቱዋል ፋሽን ሾው ደረሰ! ግንቦት 28 ከቀኑ 8 ሰአት የሚከተለውን ሊንክ በመጫን ፕሮግራሙን በአውሮፓ ህብረት ፌስቡክ ላይ ይመልከቱ https://www.facebook.com/eudelethiopia/ Join Mahlet Afework on the ' Walk Strong With Us' virtual Fashion show on June 5th, as she showcases the beauty of collaboration and harmony between today and tomorrow. Follow the below link to join a live show broadcasted on the EU delegation In Ethiopia's page at 2pm on June 5th. https://www.facebook.com/eudelethiopia/
June 29, 2021
My visit to SabaHar yesterday gave me a glimps into the amazing work and art of our Shemanies. Going forward, for every traditional Shemma I see or wear, I will have a much deeper appreciation. Thank you for all that you do. የትናንት የሳባሃር ጉብኝቴ ስለ ሸማኔዎቻችን አስገራሚ ስራ እና ጥበብ ፍንጭ እንዳገኝ አስችሎኛል ፡፡ ለማያቸውም ሆነ ለምለብሳቸው ሸማዎች ሁሉ ፣ ታላቅ አክብሮትና ጥልቅ የሆነ አድናቆት እንዲኖረኝ አድርጎኛል። ለሚያደርጉት ሁሉ ታላቅ ክብር አለኝ፡፡
February 28, 2021
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