class="content__text" Photo with the sun - 📷:Sonya7r3 934mm 1/1250s f51 iso50 - [ #Sunset #Igcolor/ #Artofvisuals/ #Eclectic_shot/ #DepthoBsessed/ #Heatercentral/ #Way2ill/ #GlobalCapture/ #InsPirationcultmag/ #Paperjournalmag/ #Fromstreetswithlove/ #PassionPassport/ #Microfourthirds/ #SeeTheWorld/ #TravelGuide/ #Besteuropepics/ #TravelPassport/ #Imaginatones/ #Hbouthere/ #Hsinthefield/ #Weekly_Feature/]
February 14, 2023
class="content__text" "YingGe" dance 非遗文化 “会飞的英歌舞” 潮阳凤岗慢版英歌队 慢中见势,势中显气,凝重古朴而又精致 舞时形式醉汉,时而腾空而起,别具神韵 第一次感受到英歌舞的霸气 一往无前的跃进,跟随他们穿街走巷一下午 拍摄了3000余张照片无比钟爱每一个瞬间 发自内心的震撼和感动! 希望这个民俗能一直流传下去! 速推帖子 [ #Chaozhou #Gramslayers/ #Artofvisuals/ #Eclectic_ shotz/ #CityKillerz/ #Streets_vision/ #DepthoBsessed/ #Heatercentral/ #Way2ill/ #Createexplore Discover/ #StreetClassics/ #oodyGrams/ #InsPirationcultmag/ #Paperjournalmag/ #Dscvr_Mood/ #PassionPassport/ #Microfourthirds/ #Streetsoftoronto/ #SeeTheworld/ #Besteuropepics/ #TravelPassport/ #StreetActivity/ #StreetShared/ #G_ Street/ #lmaginatones/ #HsinThefield/ #Hsinthefield/ #Visualambassadors/ #Weekly_Feature/
February 13, 2023
class="content__text" Flaming dragon 🔥🐉 JieYang,Guangdong,China - 广东新年传统民俗「烧火龙」 - 时隔三年,这个600多年的传统民俗表演回来了 - 身披焰火的龙凤轮番登场,举龙者都打赤膊上场,头戴小竹帽,高声呐喊,火把引路,绕着广场游走 - 从广州出发,300公里拍下这些照片,很感动记录到这一场表演,不枉此行 - - [ #Gramslayers/ #Artofvisuals/ #Eclectic_shotz/ #CityKillerz/ #Streets_vision/ #DepthoBsessed/ #Heatercentral/ #Way2ill/ #CreateexploreDiscover/ #StreetClassics/ #MoodyGrams/ #InsPirationcultmag/ #Paperjournalmag/ #Dscvr_Mood/ #PassionPassport/ #Microfourthirds/ #Streetsoftoronto/ #SeeTheWorld/ #Jieyang/ #Besteuropepics/ #TravelPassport/ #StreetActivity/ #StreetShared/ #IG_Street/ #Imaginatones/ #HsinThefield/ #Hsinthefield/ #Visualambassadors/ #Weekly_Feature/ #Weroamgermany]
February 06, 2023
class="content__text" Happy Chinese New Year 新年快乐 | 楼顶自拍 Shot on Dji Mavic3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ #Gramslayers/ #Artofvisuals/ #Eclectic_shotz/ #CityKillerz/ #Streets_vision/ #DepthoBsessed/ #Heatercentral/ #Way2ill/ #CreateexploreDiscover/ #MoodyGrams/ #InsPirationcultmag/ #Paperjournalmag/ #Dscvr_Mood/ #PassionPassport/ #Microfourthirds/ #Streetsoftoronto/ #SeeTheWorld/ #Besteuropepics/ #TravelPassport/ #Imaginatones/ #HsinThefield/ #Hsinthefield/ #Visualambassadors/ #Weekly_Feature/ #Weroamgermany]
January 30, 2023
class="content__text" 🔹🔹🔹 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ #Gramslayers/ #Artofvisuals/ #Eclectic_shotz/ #CityKillerz/ #Streets_vision/ #DepthoBsessed/ #Heatercentral/ #Way2ill/ #CreateexploreDiscover/ #StreetClassics/ #MoodyGrams/ #InsPirationcultmag/ #Paperjournalmag/ #Dscvr_Mood/ #PassionPassport/ #Microfourthirds/ #Streetsoftoronto/ #SeeTheWorld/ #Xiamen/ #Besteuropepics/ #TravelPassport/ #StreetActivity/ #StreetShared/ #IG_Street/ #Imaginatones/ #HsinThefield/ #Hsinthefield/ #Visualambassadors/ #Weekly_Feature/ #Weroamgermany]
January 20, 2023
class="content__text" The moment the train goes by - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ #Gramslayers/ #Artofvisuals/ #Eclectic_shotz/ #CityKillerz/ #Streets_vision/ #DepthoBsessed/ #Heatercentral/ #Way2ill/ #CreateexploreDiscover/ #StreetClassics/ #MoodyGrams/ #InsPirationcultmag/ #Paperjournalmag/ #Dscvr_Mood/ #PassionPassport/ #Microfourthirds/ #Streetsoftoronto/ #SeeTheWorld/ #GuangZhou/ #Besteuropepics/ #TravelPassport/ #StreetActivity/ #StreetShared/ #IG_Street/ #Imaginatones/ #HsinThefield/ #Hsinthefield/ #Visualambassadors/ #Weekly_Feature/ #Weroamgermany]
January 20, 2023
class="content__text" 我的个人摄影展《真实通关计划》来了 - 感谢主办方策展思路之强大!结合我的经历/作品,去展示关于我是怎么走上摄影这条道路的,用第一人称与现实对抗的心路历程,描述了更多作品外的信息,与其说这是一场摄影展,倒不如说是我的“人生通关游戏”,以摄影为武器去闯关,路上也有无数个转折点与分叉口,有得 也有失 - 回想首次与主办方沟通是2021年底,初步定档是2022年国庆,由于众所周知的原因无奈多次推迟, 中间经历过迷茫、纠结、也很疑惑是不是放弃 但幸好,虽迟但到!我们经历的这一切,这也是这个展的意义之一 人生,关关难过关关过 - 这就是我的第一个 个人摄影展《真实通关计划》,希望现场见! - 展期:2023.1.7-3.26 摄影师:Hym 主办/策展:LOWLOWLAND 地址:龟岗一马路16号地下室画廊-LOWLOWLAND 营业时间:周二-周日14:00-19:00 票价:24.9元/人(含纪念门票及扩展卡) - #guangzhou
January 20, 2023
class="content__text" Tower - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ #Guangzhou/ #Artofvisuals/ #Eclectic_shotz/ #CityKillerz/ #Streets_vision/ #GuangZhou/ #Heatercentral/ #Way2ill/ #GlobalCapture/ #StreetClassics/ #Lrnsbible/ #SeeTheBiggerPicture/ #DroneLife/ #InsPirationcultmag/ #Paperjournalmag/ #Cyberpunk/ #Microfourthirds/ #Night_Excl/ #Citygrammers/ #Besteuropepics/ #MillionDollarVisuals/ #StreetActivity/ #StreetShared/ #NightPhotography/ #Imaginatones/ #Clickcity/ #Urbanandstreet/ #Weekly_Feature]
January 20, 2023
class="content__text" Loneliness is the norm of life 孤独是人生的常态 - - #agameoftones #heatercentral #way2ill #moodygrams #urbanandstreet #awesome_photographers #hbouthere #artofvisuals #passionpassport #eclectcshotz #beautifuldestinations #streetsvision #hsinthefield #highsnobiety #hsdailyfeature #complexphotos #shotzdelight #thelMAGED #createcommune #bealpha #visualambassadors #ourmoodydays #earthpix #lensbible #ourplanetdaily #wonderful_places #nakedplantet #voyaged #ps_cityscape
June 20, 2022
class="content__text" “X”Overpass - #guangzhou #artofvisuals #eclectic_shotz #citygrammers #citykillerz #cityunit #shotzdelight #globalnightsquad #streets_vision #creativeoptic #urbangathering #heatercentral #depthobsessed #spacewheel #acreativevisual #ig_color #imaginatones #createandcapture #gramslayers #moodygrams #master_shots #way2will #algorithmkillers #instagood #theimaged #urbanromantix #meistershots #GlobalCapture #yngkillers #china @djigolbal@artofvisuals
May 20, 2022
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