
Women’s Leadership Coach


Instagram posts and videos uploaded by claudiatscott


class="content__text" Holding onto people that no longer align with your present self is like knowingly carrying a toxin and not doing anything about it. 🦠 The longer you hold onto it the higher the toxicity level in your body, the more ill you become.🤒 Toxins don’t allow for any fertile ground. 🌱 Ok.. that might all sound pretty extreme but hear me out. Every relationship I’ve held onto that I knew wasn’t right for me has impacted me negatively. That impact could be in the form of anxiety, making myself small and convenient, people pleasing, stunting my growth and most importantly blocking any friendships or relationships that are actually meant for me. Every person I’ve lost whether that be an intentional break up or something has happened for that break up to happen has ALWAYS meant to happen… always! If you’re going through this transition right now… I know it hurts, I know you feel scared you’re not going to have anyone… but you will and you’ll reflect just like I am years from now and say ah that makes sense. Remember, friendships either evolve with you or you grow out of them. Some friendships only aligned with a past version of you and and that’s ok, you can trust that this present version of you will attract the kind of people who align with you, just as you are right now. So if you're holding onto a friendship that doesn't feel quite right, it's time to let go and make space for those who align with you. 🙌 Your tribe is out there, waiting for you to make room for them. If you resonate with this ☝🏼 and you’re looking for a tribe of women who are committed to their personal growth I’ve got what you need @theunconditionedwoman 🙏🏻 Click the link in the bio and join today! 🙌🏼 #sisterhood #friendship #femaleleaders

March 29, 2023


class="content__text" 📣Calling all female entrepreneurs, leaders, and business owners!📣 Are you tired of feeling like you have to do everything by yourself? It’s time to make a change. I’m excited to announce my membership program has now changed to a monthly subscription, designed to provide you with the tools, resources, and support you need to find balance, fulfilment, and success. So what’s involved in The Unconditioned Woman Membership? Let’s have a look… 💫 Live Monthly Coaching Calls: You will learn how to take better care of yourself and build healthy habits that support your physical, emotional, and mental well-being, PLUS the opportunity for hot seat coaching! 📣Dynamic NEW Expert Guest Speakers: Connect with expert coaches and mentors: The membership will include access to a network of expert coaches and mentors who can provide personalised support, guidance, and feedback to help you achieve your goals. 💫Private community support: A safe, supportive place where you can connect with like-minded women and build a network of peers who can support and encourage you on your journey. 💫Access to hours of masterclasses guided by feminine leading experts: Topics including money, hormones, pelvic healing, feminine cycles, confidence, and so much more! 💫Access to Money Muse Course + Modules from The Unconditioned Woman & Influencers of Impact 💫Access to resources and tools: A range of resources and tools, including online courses, webinars, and worksheets, to help you learn new skills and strategies for overcoming perfectionism, people-pleasing, and burnout. 💫Exclusive discounts for courses and retreats PLUS included discounts from our expert guest speakers and their offerings! Click the link in my bio or comment below “TRIBE 2023”now!💫 #femaleentrepreneur #sisterhood #womeninbusiness

March 28, 2023


class="content__text" Happy International Women’s day 🔥 Grateful to be guiding women committed to healing not only themselves but the collective!🙏🏻❤️ 💫The 5th slide is my inspiring cousin(business mentor and fellow psychology fanatic) doing a talk for Women in Data.🔥 #internationalwomensday #internationalwomensday2023 #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness

March 14, 2023


class="content__text" Yesss 👏🏼🔥👏🏼 @midlife.muse As I evolve so does my business… I used to want to save and fix others until I realised there was a selfish undertone to my method. Who am I to fix or save anyone from their pain? I’m not a god or a guru… my gift is to create safety so that pain can be expressed. I know how powerful all the women I work with are, I know that part of their healing journey is alchemising that pain and I KNOW they are fully capable of transmuting that all by themselves… sometimes all that is needed is someone to create safety and witness all that power. Now I witness and hold space… for the vastness of a women’s human experience. Guiding women back to their truest essence lights me up! 🔥 Happy international women’s day to all the women committed to their hearts and showing up bravely in a world that hasn’t always been too kind to them.🙏🏻❤️ #internationalwomensday

March 14, 2023


class="content__text" Boundaries are HARD…😮‍💨(SWIPE)👉🏼 But hold on in there. Lately, I've been on a journey of learning to uphold my boundaries, which hasn't been easy. As a recovering people pleaser, it's been challenging to navigate the guilt, shame-based narratives, and fear of conflict that can come with setting boundaries. But my well-being will always take priority, even if it means risking discomfort or upsetting others. If you can relate, here are three tips that have helped me so far: 👉🏼Practice saying no: Start small by setting boundaries in low-stakes situations and saying no to requests or activities that don't align with your values or goals. Remember that it's okay to prioritise your needs and that saying no doesn't make you a bad person. 👉🏼Communicate clearly and assertively: When setting boundaries, be clear and direct about your needs and expectations. Use "I" statements to express how you feel and what you want, and avoid blaming or criticising others. It's also helpful to offer alternatives or compromises if possible. 👉🏼Embrace discomfort: Setting boundaries can be uncomfortable and anxiety-provoking, but it's a necessary part of self-care and growth. Don't beat yourself up if you feel guilty or ashamed at first, and don't let fear of conflict hold you back. Remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and that setting boundaries is a powerful way to honour that. Remember, setting boundaries is a process, not a destination, and it's okay to make mistakes and learn as you go.🙏🏻 Do you need support setting boundaries? Send me a dm or comment below 👇🏼❤️ #boundaries #boundary #boundariesarehealthy #boundarysetting

March 04, 2023


class="content__text" Paris & my reflections from 2023 so far… 💫 Trust the process, everything will work out 💫 Stay true to your values 💫 Don’t gaslight yourself 💫 Stop taking things personally, almost everyone is projecting 💫 You aren’t sensitive the world is just numb 💫 Meditate… your mind will catastrophise Comment below and let me know what lessons have come up for you in 2023!👇🏼❤️ #paris #travel #wanderlust #reflections

March 04, 2023


class="content__text" 👆🏼👆🏼Yup. That’s me… I love being alone(sometimes maybe too much!🫣). It allows me to recharge, reflect and hear my own voice. Alone time has become an essential part of my self-care routine. But… it's important to recognise the difference between intentionally choosing to spend time alone for your well-being vs needing to be alone out of lack of trusting others and need to prove you are independent and self sufficient. Do you… 👉🏼You believe that if you don't support yourself, no one else will? 👉🏼You have a hard time asking for help or delegating tasks to others? 👉🏼You pride yourself on being able to handle everything on your own? 👉🏼You struggle to balance your need for independence with the need to collaborate with others? 👉🏼You feel overwhelmed and burnt out when you try to do everything yourself? 👉🏼You find it difficult to trust others or rely on them for support? If you’re an over- functioning, perfectionist many of these👆🏼 are common. You may feel like we have to constantly prove ourselves, and that we can't rely on others for support. While it is important to be independent and self-sufficient, it is also important to seek support when you need it. By letting go of the belief that no one else will support you, you can open yourself up to the many opportunities for support and growth that are available to you. You can build meaningful connections with others, and learn from their experiences and wisdom. So if you find yourself constantly trying to do it all on your own, it's time to let go of this belief and start healing in safe community.🙏🏻 TWO more days until the early bird offer closes for the The Unconditioned Woman Membership! Click the link in bio! *enrolment closes 31st Jan 2023 💫 #femaleentrepreneur #womenempoweringwomen

February 04, 2023


class="content__text" Imagine the progress you could be making if you FINALLY found a tribe of women who think just like you.… A hard lesson I’ve learnt is that not everyone one is going to celebrate your evolution. The truth is some people only resonate with the wounded parts of you, rarely is it personal. It will feel personal, you may question if there is something wrong with you, you may even resort to slipping into old patterns and behaviours because you don’t want to upset or lose anyone. The reality is you have to let go of dead roots and allow space for new branches to appear. Ever head the quote, “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” It’s true, not everyone is suppose to ride shotgun on your journey. You block what is aligned for you when you hold onto relationships that don’t align with the emerging you. You withhold space that needs to be available for a higher version of you. So, if you resonate and you’re going through a transitional point in your life where you don’t want to let long term friendships go that you know deep down don’t align with you anymore but you’re scared of being alone… I HEAR YOU. But… I dare you to do it. I dare you to open yourself up to the infinite amount of possibilities that could come from creating space for that is truly aligned for you. If you’re ready to finally find the support and community you’ve been missing, join me in this 12-month membership. Imagine the progress you could make with the guidance of conscious, driven women by your side! Inside this membership, you’ll find a safe and supportive community of like-minded women and access to exclusive content and resources to support you on your journey. Don’t let this sit in your inbox, the early bird offering of $960 is only available until January 19th! Clink the link in my bio or DM tribe now!💫 #tribe #womensgroup #vibetribe #femaleentrepreneurs

February 04, 2023


class="content__text" Happy New Year beautiful souls…🙏🏻❤️ Here’s some of my favourite lessons from 2022 ✌🏼💫 Credit to all the authors of these posts.🙏🏻 #newyear #newyear2022

January 04, 2023


class="content__text" To another year of adventures with my best friend 🥰✈️ #newyear #2022 #travel2022

January 04, 2023


class="content__text" Festive drop 🎄🐕👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾 #christmas

January 04, 2023


class="content__text" Hey👋🏼 I'm Claudia, and I'm a feminine leadership coach with a background in psychology and somatic therapy. I teach female leaders how to reconnect and integrate the feminine into their personal and biz. Story time 📖 In 2018… 👉🏼I had a successful business ⁣⁣ 👉🏼I had bought a flat and my dream car ⁣⁣ 👉🏼I was in a long term relationship ⁣⁣ 👉🏼I had my first televised presenting job for the BBC ⁣⁣ 👉🏼I was booking speaking events at schools on social media ⁣⁣ 👉🏼I was training to be a radio host with the UK’s largest radio station ⁣⁣ 👉🏼I was travelling all over the world ⁣⁣ AND I was completely burnt out.😮‍💨 I was emotionally, mentally and physically broke. My core belief at the time was that it felt unsafe to rely on anyone other than myself to provide or meet MY expectations; because of this, I was stuck in a state of over-functioning, feeling anxious, lacking boundaries and suffering from toxic perfectionism. Everything changed the day I started experiencing panic attacks. I was burnt out, and my body was telling me it had had enough. I knew I couldn’t sustain living in the doing and BEING was going to be my life raft. This led me on a journey towards reconnecting and integrating the intuitive, nurturing and receptive feminine energy into my personal life and business. Reconnecting with my feminine energy taught me how to tune into my wants and needs AND honour them. It taught me how to trust not only myself but others, allowing me to ask and receive. It guided me towards my souls purpose, made me a conscious leader and enabled me to create a business of my dreams, doing less and attracting more. I started attracting equal healthy relationships where I could safely surrender to my feminine essence. Reconnecting and integrating the feminine transformed my life, and I know if your a women always in the doing, doing, doing it will transform yours too. If you're a goal orientated, ambitious woman who leads from the masculine and is burnt out, overwhelmed or disconnected, I've got you! Head to the link in my bio and sign up for my free masterclass on reconnecting to the feminine and start your healing journey today!👆🏼✨ #coach

September 04, 2022

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