class="content__text" Danielle as San Sebastian, shot in Puerta de Tierra, Puerto Rico. @danielle_lajeve Presented at Frieze LA with @hannahtraoregallery In the words of Beautiful Danielle: “San Sebastián se negó a abandonar la fe y prefirió morir -de ahí se convirtió mártir-. El emperador Diocleciano lo condenó a morir a flechazos. El santo recibió una lluvia de saetas que, increíblemente, no lograron acabar con su vida. Sus amigos lo ocultaron y lo ayudaron a recuperarse. “ 42x32 Digital c-print, Closed Frame with Silk Spacers For inquiries @hannahtraoregallery ⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️
February 25, 2023
class="content__text" Presenting work at @friezeofficial with my friends and family is all one needs to feel in the presence of Real Love. To my growing, loving family, we do this together ⚔️❤️⚔️ What an honor to have presented work for @hannahtraoregallery alongside ❤️ To all of us ✨ @[email protected]@the__ltc@basit_@mabi_moon_@thisisnotleks@parisstokyo@lorenamazastyling@danielle_lajeve@pimcharlottecotton@almacommunications@deliciastudio_@luisrinconalba@delarevolucion@operadartegallery@aalexandranavas@mafernavas@cleamv@kikefalls ♾❤️♾
February 25, 2023
class="content__text" “Trans Joy is real, necessary, regenerative, sacred” In the words of @raquel_willis - Mourning and thinking today about “The Tryptic” from my exhibition Gods That Walk Among Us at @hannahtraoregallery To the Sacredness of all trans lives represented in these protraits of @basit_ , @hi_its_bobbi and @asapparasite , Thank You ❤️🙏🏽❤️ - This shoot was made with the love of stylist @herinchoi1 , Make-up artist @kentoutsubo , Hairstylist @tomokokuwamura1207 , set design by me and @bxwebb25 . Shot at our home @deliciastudio_ for @elpaissemanal - Dye Sublimation on Aluminium, Float Frame, Silk Spaces, Silk FloaT Tray Pedestal designed by @miquelsalvatejedor
December 04, 2022
class="content__text" 🌺 Chelsea Manning in @balenciaga for @guardian 🌺 Shot at @deliciastudio_ Styling by la hermana @lorenamazastyling MU by bebe @rommynajor Hair by @yunkt Llight by @al.bertfg Set by @bxwebb25 Production by @the__ltc 🌺
November 04, 2022
class="content__text" 💜♾💜Maison Valentino Couture Special💜♾💜 @maisonvalentino@pppiccioli ♾💜for a very special time, dedicate to the power of @etorriente 💜♾ in this photo, the beautiful mermaid @iamveegg 🧜🏾♀️ Styled by @juancebrian Set by mi amore @mila_ty Hair by @andrea_i_hair MU by @rubenmas Casting by @legainsbourg Much love to @elpaissemanal for making us dream ✨✨
November 04, 2022
class="content__text" 🏔GUARDIANS OF THE FUTURE🏔 Land rights, free prior and informed consent before any intervention into their territories, direct access to climate funding, protection of people from violence and prosecution, and the recognition of traditional knowledge in the fight to defend the planet. 🏔 @globalalliancet@guardianesbos x @nytimes 🏔 #guardiansofthefuture
November 04, 2022
class="content__text" 🙏🏽THE GUARDIANS OF THE FUTURE 🙏🏽 @globalalliancet@guardianesbos 🙏🏽Please read, support, follow and respect the work of the Indigenous Leaders who are really protecting the rights of local communities and millions of square miles of land accross our planet. The time is now (long overdue). In this post the poweful @nadcst , Briceida Iglesias and @jvpankararu for @nytimes 🙏🏽 thank you to my ride or die team @bxwebb25 and @al.bertfg@the__ltc and to @jmwender for knowing how important this is. 🙏🏽 ♾ #guardiansoftomorrow 🙏🏽
October 04, 2022
class="content__text" 🍒@alokvmenon for @maisonvalentino by @pppiccioli 🍒Casually Degendering Fashion for the cover of my dream mag C☆NDY 14th Issue 🍒 Styling by my hero @herinchoi1 MU by @ayaka_nihei Hair by @izuizuizu Set design by myself and the greatest @bxwebb25 At the house of the creation @deliciastudio_ Thank you @studiobyluisvenegas we❤️u Produced by @the__ltc And katered by @latropikitchen
October 04, 2022
class="content__text" 🏔 #theguardiansoftomorrow 🏔 Indigenous Leaders have the answers - AND THE QUESTIONS ♾ Please follow the work of indigenous Leaders worldwide ♾ for @nytimes 🙏🏽♾ @globalalliancet ♾ @guardianesbos
October 04, 2022
class="content__text" 💙Zendaya for the Cover of Time100 People of the Year 💙 @zendaya in @maisonvalentino for @time 💙
August 04, 2022
class="content__text" Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Mottley for the cover of Time 100 People of the Year -♾❤️♾ As we celebrate The Gods That Walk Among Us I am deeply inspired by her Anticolonial achievements and her true commitment to fight the Climate Crisis. ♾❤️♾ Thank you to the amazing Time Magazine team for trusting me with such an important assignment. @dilysng@time@luisrinconalba
August 04, 2022
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