


Instagram posts and videos uploaded by borislaursen


Meet my best friend Bentley.🐶 He might not have the cute teddy look anymore, but at least he can breathe. My little buddy like to walk 3-4 times a day, so he needed the military cut. The summer is getting closer, so if you see your dog try to lay cold places in your house or apartment. Please just go for a quick trim and your dog will be so much more relaxed. Bentley even sleeps in the bed again after his trim. 😍❤️

April 02, 2022


I can’t imagine how my arms will look like when I gain 12kg more…😮‍💨 #myshouldergotatwin

March 19, 2022


Et fantastisk produkt fortjener sin ros.👏🏼🌟 Mit samarbejde med @canavita_cbd håber jeg aldrig stopper da jeg endelig kan sove uforstyrret. Hvis du også ligger, vender og drejer dig i flere timer inden du kan falde i søvn som mig, så giv @canavita_cbd et forsøg. I det mindste læs deres anmeldelser eller tage kontakt til deres daglige livesupport, så kan de måske guide dig inden du bruger penge på diverse produkter. Jeg bruger personligt den på 30% da der skal lidt mere til at slå mig ud.😂🦍 Spar 25% med rabatkoden “B25”. #ad

March 19, 2022


Most people feel lost and they’re looking and asking for help. Just wishing that the one magical person would come with a million dollars or just hand them their dream job. And it’s all because we all feel like the main character in the life we live in. Never stop dreaming, but you need to take actions on your dreams and wishes for them to become true. I’ll tell you a little secret… the one person who can save you is the one you see in the mirror. Go take a look.

February 13, 2022


This shirt adds 20KG to your deadlift. It’s been scientifically proven by me, you can get it at @dynutrition designed by @thedorianyates himself decades ago!. Code: GRANT10 for 10% off. #ad LINK IN BIO

February 11, 2022


My only goal is to be better than I was yesterday. My only competition is me.

February 10, 2022


We’ve got 25% off our serious assault on fat loss… Blackbombs!💣 Our powerful, thermogenic fat burning sensation blunts the appetite and suppresses cravings… allowing you to stick to your all important diet. In the words of its creator, Dorian says: “A powerful, all-encompassing thermogenic powerhouse like you’ve never seen before, hitting fat from every conceivable angle (just how you should be hitting your muscles😏)!” 💥So hit the link in our bio and begin your fat loss journey now, in true Blood & Guts fashion!💥 #DYNutrition #DorianYates #Gym #Supplements #Muscle #FatLoss

February 08, 2022


#ad Jeg har nu brugt CBD olie i 3 måneder og det har haft en enorm positiveffekt på min søvn, så jeg vil lige komme med min erfaring og oplevelser med produktet. Jeg havde hørt meget om bodybuildere der brugte det til bedre søvn og restitution, så da @canavita_cbd skrev til mig for 3 måneder siden. sagde jeg ja til at teste produktet i nogle uger og så blive ambassadør hvis det havde den ønskede effekt for mig. Ærligt så skete der ikke meget de første 3-4 nætter, men så begynde det så stille at virke!. Jeg begyndte at blive hurtigere træt om aften og ikke hænge oppe hele natten for at skrive ideer ned, endda faldt jeg i søvn til en film og det gør jeg ellers normalt aldrig. Så jeg er nu stolt ambassadør for @canavita_cbd og det hjælper mig på min søvn, men hvis du har nogle former for angst eller smerter, så burde du læse deres anmeldelser eller Google om CBD olie kan hjælpe dig. “PS. Du bliver ikke høj af det og du kan stadig kører bil efter indtagning” Spar 25% med rabatkoden B25

February 06, 2022


If you want to change start with believing in yourself. People will laugh at you and tell you that it’s impossible because they can’t imagining themself going through what you’re about to do. It seems miles away, but all you need to do is START!. keep doing the same thing everyday until you get there. Stick to your plan, stay committed, be disciplined. You can’t drive a car by looking in the rear view mirror… It means don’t focus on your past, keep your focusing on the goal and don’t stop for no one!!!.. You’re doing this for YOU and no one else. DO NOT LOOK BACK, THAT WILL ONLY MAKE YOU CRASH. This is your dream, this is your goal, you don’t need no one else to believe in you. The most important is, that you do. The day you reach your goal, the same people will come and ask how you did it. Be an inspiration. Be a first mover. Be you. Online Coaching: www.GrantPhysiqueCoaching.com “Prices is on the website” LINK IN BIO

February 06, 2022


I have been as low as I could go, you didn’t see my struggle. You didn’t see the defeat and the failure… you didn’t see those things because I decided to fight back. I decided that I would use this to be better, I said to myself that this will be much bigger one day. I got purpose, I got dreams, I am focused and committed. You say that what I’m about to do is impossible because you can’t see yourself doing it. This won’t happen over night, it will take years…. but I know what to do, now I just have to do the same thing everyday until I reach my goal.

February 06, 2022


My training life… When I first started training I begged my mom and dad every single day until they finally said yes to come down with me and sign me up, I don’t remember how long time it took but it took some serious convincing. I was only 15 years old so they wanted to make sure that I started a place who cared about the people who went there. I started at the local gym Frederikssunds MotionCenter where the owner John is an old boxer who’s passion was all about his gym. My parents felt safe about this gym and that’s where it all began!. I remember how I got my beginner program and if I did a single movement wrong I could hear a thunder of a scream coming from the far end of the center. It was John yelling “STOOOOPPP!!!” He cared so much about form because if you don’t do it right at the gym you could end up injured and I’m really grateful for that today. I became so passionated about training that I started workingout with new friends all the time and teaching them about training. I wanted to work in the fitness world so bad that I wanted to start on the personal trainer education already when I was 16 years old, but I was too young they said… I took a year of school of something called the fitness line just to make the time pass. But when I turned 17 I was ready! I started at AtWork I was the youngest person in the class and the second youngest was about 25. I remember that it was a lot of work but I showed up every single day. After months upon months of study I passed the physical test, but because I couldn’t remember all the names of the bones & muscles in Latin they wouldn’t let me pass. But they were nice enough to give me a second chance where I could study with them a little more and take the test again. But one problem…. I already had 20.000 followers on Instagram and this guy in LA told me that he could make me a star! ⭐️ a singer and I could even meet Britney Spears. SWIPE THE PHOTO FOR FULL STORY. The caption is too long.

January 06, 2022


How people treat you is a reflection of their own pain and suffering. Don’t take it personally and just let it go. This is my philosophy on the keyboard warriors who roam the social media. I just keep doing me, doing better and live the life I believe I deserve. While this person spend their time being angry about their own life and let their frustrations out on me. I’m working my ass off becoming the best version of myself. You’re wasting your time… I’m like a ship. I cannot sink unless the water gets inside. And guess what… I don’t even know who you are and if you don’t have my personal phone number, then you don’t have the slightest idea of who I really am. You just act and react to stuff I do or have done out from a small clips or a phrase you have read or someone have said to you. You’re so small minded that you never look at the bigger picture. Everybody fail, I love to fail!.. that’s where I learn and it’s only on purpose if you do it twice. I’ve done my fair share of mistakes, but I have never repeated them twice!. I love to try new things all the time, I never had a teacher or anyone to show me how to do all these things… I learned by failing. The only difference between you and me is that I do it in front of the whole world, so my smallest mistake is all suddenly the worst thing there ever happened on this earth. I’m spending 2022 cleaning up the mess I left behind. I have never liked arguing and that was my biggest mistake in my life, because it’s not arguing but standing up for myself. I’m the kind of person who would take all the thrash, bullshit and being the black sheep so it wouldn’t hurt anyone else, because I can take all the hate and pain… even when it wasn’t me who did anything wrong. I’m a good kind hearted person, strong to the bone and it would never break me. But I’m done being the nice guy, you did something wrong and you’re the one who’s suppose to be in the pit getting dirt thrown at, not me. 99% of people have a wrong picture in their head about who Boris Grant Laursen is because I have protected so many people on the way for many years. Read the rest in the comment section.

January 06, 2022

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