LOOK 3 from the new project "YEARS” PRINT MAGAZINE: @scorpiojinmagazine Photo & Styling: Laurence Barzoire @barzoire / @barzoireworld Model: @georgianasaraev MUA : @inafrncs HEADPHONES: by BARZOIRE COLLETCION #35mm #analogfilm #fashion #film #colorful #blitz #model #avantgarde #photography #photographer #portrait #portraitphotography #iso #iso200 #world #makeup #make #streetstyle #analog #bnw #magazine #photo #home #girls #crazygirl #covermagazine #elegant #lovephotography #barzoire #laurencebarzoire
January 28, 2022
LOOK 2 din noul proiect ”ANII” Anii trec, arta ramane! Anii 20 au fost pentru mine o inspiratie si o bucurie de a aduce in prezent reprezentarile grafice create in acea perioada. Este de datoria noastra sa respectam trecutul si sa facem viitorul nostru mai educat! LOOK 2 from the new project "YEARS" The years go by, the art remains! The 1920s were an inspiration and a joy for me to bring the graphic representations created at that time to the present day. It is our duty to respect the past and make our future more educated! PRINT MAGAZINE: @scorpiojinmagazine Photo & Styling: Laurence Barzoire @barzoire / @barzoireworld Model: @georgianasaraev MUA : @inafrncs Accessories: @a.vintage.treasures HAT: BARZOIRE #35mm #analogfilm #fashion #film #colorful #blitz #model #avantgarde #photography #photographer #portrait #portraitphotography #iso #iso200 #world #makeup #make #streetstyle #analog #bnw #magazine #photo #home #girls #crazygirl #covermagazine #elegant #lovephotography #barzoire #laurencebarzoire
January 26, 2022
Barzoire is back! After a long break from posting here (one year), I came back to your attention with new creative and special projects. I want to let you know that during this break period, I managed to focus my entire attention on photography and everything related to this wonderful field. In the end, fashion and photography are two different fields but they combine perfectly and I am happy to be able to express all my creativity 100% through everything I do, from sewing and creating fashion collections to the final photography of outfits. I needed this unknown (the photography) to deepen it at the professional level, because I felt that it would help me to continue to create concepts, stories and art in its truly meaning, much more balanced, mature and special. I will never stop creating and I will always be eager to share with you the joy of creating history! PRINT MAGAZINE: @scorpiojinmagazine Photo & Styling: Laurence Barzoire @barzoire / @barzoireworld Model: @georgianasaraev MUA : @inafrncs GLASS CROWN: BARZOIRE x Gabriela Seres @gabriela.seres #35mm #analogfilm #fashion #film #colorful #blitz #model #avantgarde #photography #photographer #portrait #portraitphotography #iso #iso200 #world #makeup #make #streetstyle #analog #bnw #magazine #photo #home #girls #crazygirl #covermagazine #elegant #lovephotography #barzoire #laurencebarzoire
January 25, 2022
BARZOIRE NEW COLLECTION Îmbrăcăminte pentru toți oamenii. Creativitate și pasiune, încredere si unicitate. Vizitează profilul nostru și rămâi conectat cu următoarele noastre surprize, colectii, nebunii și reduceri! Create 100% in atelier, Laurence Barzoire pune foarte mare accent pe sustenabilitate și protejarea planetei, astfel încât fiecare haina in parte este creată special, pe comanda, pentru fiecare client care intra in familia noastră. Este despre tine, despre noi, este despre oameni!
October 11, 2020
BARZOIRE NEW COLLECTION 2020 Together we are strong! Together we give love! Together we can save the planet! Together and not separately! You? what are you willing to do for the planet? THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! My darling: @georgianasaraev “LOVE” My friend: @victor.oancea “AMAZING” Best mua: @karinadumitru “PEACE”
September 11, 2020
BARZOIRE NEW COLLECTION 2020 Together we are strong! Together we share love! Together we can save the planet! Together and not separately! You? what are you willing to do for the planet?
July 11, 2020
BARZOIRE NEW COLLECTION 2020 Together we are strong! Together we give love! Together we can save the planet! Together and not separately! You? what are you willing to do for the planet?
July 11, 2020
SS19 PLANET🌍 CAMPAIGN ARCHIVE “BARZOIRE SIGNATURE” Salvează planeta nu doar pentru că așa trebuie, salvează planeta pentru că poți face asta! Azi sustenabilitatea a devenit un clișeu de promovare, însă din multe puncte de vedere ea nu este ceea ce mulți cred că este! De ce? Pentru că informația lipsește cu desăvârșire chiar și acum în prezent, unde o gasești la orice pas. 🌈 @barzoire #barzoire /// thank you @codrina.apostol for amazing make-up //// thank you @dariaadincuta @virginia.usiku for your beauty!🙏🏻💎💋🌈
July 11, 2020
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