
The Scribbled Stories

i still have that pen that you gave me. the ink dried up years ago, but i still have it in my bag.

i still remember the first time i saw you by the street, still picture-perfect in my head. it’s weird how i remember everything about you as if it happened yesterday. we remember some people and forget others. i’m glad to have you remembered.

we used to walk by the park with a packet of chips shifting between our hands. you’d tuck your strands behind your ears and all the moments i spent with you felt like a miracle. you were a great friend before being a great lover. but most importantly, you were a great human before being anything else.

sometimes, i wonder if we could have been kinder to our friendship and love. if there was a way to stop it all from falling apart. it almost makes me cry to think that i know you, but i have to tell myself, that i don’t.

it breaks my heart to watch the rain alone, knowing you are out there somewhere doing the same. 

i know, sometimes people love each other and still not end up together, but it’s so hard to tell this to a heart that still hopes. i guess that’s how life goes. but i am glad i got to know you. i am thankful for walking with you to stand where i am today in life. i wish you were still here, but it’s fine. i hope you are happy.

with love,
someone who has your pictures.

written by Vadali Vamshi( @vadalivamshi_) for The Scribbled Stories

i still have that pen that you gave me. the ink dried up years ago, but i still have it in my bag. i still remember the first time i saw you by the street, still picture-perfect in my head. it’s weird how i remember everything about you as if it happened yesterday. we remember some people and forget others. i’m glad to have you remembered. we used to walk by the park with a packet of chips shifting between our hands. you’d tuck your strands behind your ears and all the moments i spent with you felt like a miracle. you were a great friend before being a great lover. but most importantly, you were a great human before being anything else. sometimes, i wonder if we could have been kinder to our friendship and love. if there was a way to stop it all from falling apart. it almost makes me cry to think that i know you, but i have to tell myself, that i don’t. it breaks my heart to watch the rain alone, knowing you are out there somewhere doing the same. i know, sometimes people love each other and still not end up together, but it’s so hard to tell this to a heart that still hopes. i guess that’s how life goes. but i am glad i got to know you. i am thankful for walking with you to stand where i am today in life. i wish you were still here, but it’s fine. i hope you are happy. with love, someone who has your pictures. __ written by Vadali Vamshi( @vadalivamshi_) for The Scribbled Stories

August 25, 2021


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