
Anton Reva | NADADA

 «I am not your memory», 2023. 1/1 SR - @superrare.co - investigation of inner worlds and memories. 
33 characters connected to specific situations of my personal mental breakdowns and contexts of inner research within 12 years of practice. Each element was shot by me with real people and I've been analyzing connections of memories for 2 months through practical statements. Creative process of mixed media practice is a meditative experience when you re-invent your background and all possible triggers of your mind. 
Save my mind - vision of being fragile and natural. Real life is a method of perception. Layers are mindful thoughts. I'm screaming through layers to invent a better vision of touch. DESTRUCTION. 
Experimental photography. Mixed feelings. Watercolor elements connected to archive paper and custom printing. Sincere transfers and deconstruction of textures. Love integrated in my fingers. Poetry of life.
2023 / Destructed Vision / playing with pain: 
Я ищу себя, пускаю во время искры. Я не ищу воспоминания. Дикарское погружение:

class="content__text" «I am not your memory», 2023. 1/1 SR - @superrare.co - investigation of inner worlds and memories. _ 33 characters connected to specific situations of my personal mental breakdowns and contexts of inner research within 12 years of practice. Each element was shot by me with real people and I've been analyzing connections of memories for 2 months through practical statements. Creative process of mixed media practice is a meditative experience when you re-invent your background and all possible triggers of your mind. _ Save my mind - vision of being fragile and natural. Real life is a method of perception. Layers are mindful thoughts. I'm screaming through layers to invent a better vision of touch. DESTRUCTION. _ Experimental photography. Mixed feelings. Watercolor elements connected to archive paper and custom printing. Sincere transfers and deconstruction of textures. Love integrated in my fingers. Poetry of life. _ 2023 / Destructed Vision / playing with pain: _ Я ищу себя, пускаю во время искры. Я не ищу воспоминания. Дикарское погружение:

February 04, 2023


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