
Saara Aalto

Spain you took my heart ❤️
In April I wrote down my dreams... and I saw myself in a sunny place with green nature and flowers around me. Romantic white stone buildings...
I had the picture clearly in my mind...

Then in September Meri was like ”Let’s go to Spain.. let’s be brave and just do it” 💪🏼
I was actually a bit hesitant as the world’s been such an insecure place lately... but #nofear2021 got in to me and BOOM we flew to Spain! ✈️

And what waited for me here was EXACTLY my vision 🌺❤️☀️

Manifesting your dreams is real. Moving step-by-step towards your dreams in real.
Creating your dream life is real.

It is possible to all of us ❤️🙏🏼

We’re returning to Finland tomorrow for some epic Xmas gigs and tour, but these last 2 months have given my life a new direction... and like my favourite actor Arnold once said: “I’ll Be Back” 😎💪🏼

#manifestation #dreamcometrue #spain #tuhannettähdetkiertue #manifestingdreams #manifesting

Spain you took my heart ❤️ In April I wrote down my dreams... and I saw myself in a sunny place with green nature and flowers around me. Romantic white stone buildings... I had the picture clearly in my mind... Then in September Meri was like ”Let’s go to Spain.. let’s be brave and just do it” 💪🏼 I was actually a bit hesitant as the world’s been such an insecure place lately... but #nofear2021 got in to me and BOOM we flew to Spain! ✈️ And what waited for me here was EXACTLY my vision 🌺❤️☀️ Manifesting your dreams is real. Moving step-by-step towards your dreams in real. Creating your dream life is real. It is possible to all of us ❤️🙏🏼 We’re returning to Finland tomorrow for some epic Xmas gigs and tour, but these last 2 months have given my life a new direction... and like my favourite actor Arnold once said: “I’ll Be Back” 😎💪🏼 #manifestation #dreamcometrue #spain #tuhannettähdetkiertue #manifestingdreams #manifesting

November 09, 2021


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