
Marko Tadic

 🇬🇧 My dear fashionistas, a new year has begun, and with it new fashion stories on the Mr.M blog with new interesting brands. Today I present to you the most famous Turkish fur and leather brand @puntoleatherfur , a brand known for its ideal combination of timeless fur elegance and perfect cut! Punto is the right address for all those fashion lovers who are looking for unusual and extraordinary pieces that can hardly be found anywhere else! Of course, I also referred to the FURMARK certification program for fur sustainability in the fashion industry developed by @wearefur . Of course, there are also some well-known brands that you had the opportunity to meet during the last year on the Mr.M blog. I believe that you will find this fashion story interesting, so I invite you to read the new post and let me know your opinion! See you soon with a new fashion story! With love, Mr.M! 🤗
🇷🇸 Dragi moji ljubitelji mode, iskreno se nadam da ste dobro i da ste spremni za novu modnu avanturu! Nova godina je počela, a sa njom i nove modne priče na Mr.M blogu sa novim zanimljivim brendovima. Danas vam predstavljam najpoznatiji turski brend krzna i kože @puntoleatherfur , brend poznat po idealnoj kombinaciji vanvremenske elegancije krzna i lepote savršenog kroja! Punto je prava adresa za sve one ljubitelje mode koji su u potrazi za neobičnim i nesvakidašnjim komadima koji se teško mogu naći negde drugde! Naravno, tu je i FURMARK program sertifikacije za održivost krzna u modnoj industriji koji je razvio @wearefur . Naravno, tu su i neki poznati brendovi koje ste imali prilike da upoznate tokom prošle godine na Mr.M blogu. Verujem da će vam ova modna priča biti zanimljiva, pa vas pozivam da pročitate novi post i javite mi svoje utiske! Vidimo se uskoro sa novom modnom pričom! S ljubavlju, Mr.M! 🤗
 #turkey #istanbul #wearefur #furmark #puntoleatherfur #puntofur #mrmbymarkotadic #madeinturkey

class="content__text" 🇬🇧 My dear fashionistas, a new year has begun, and with it new fashion stories on the Mr.M blog with new interesting brands. Today I present to you the most famous Turkish fur and leather brand @puntoleatherfur , a brand known for its ideal combination of timeless fur elegance and perfect cut! Punto is the right address for all those fashion lovers who are looking for unusual and extraordinary pieces that can hardly be found anywhere else! Of course, I also referred to the FURMARK certification program for fur sustainability in the fashion industry developed by @wearefur . Of course, there are also some well-known brands that you had the opportunity to meet during the last year on the Mr.M blog. I believe that you will find this fashion story interesting, so I invite you to read the new post and let me know your opinion! See you soon with a new fashion story! With love, Mr.M! 🤗 —————————————————————————— 🇷🇸 Dragi moji ljubitelji mode, iskreno se nadam da ste dobro i da ste spremni za novu modnu avanturu! Nova godina je počela, a sa njom i nove modne priče na Mr.M blogu sa novim zanimljivim brendovima. Danas vam predstavljam najpoznatiji turski brend krzna i kože @puntoleatherfur , brend poznat po idealnoj kombinaciji vanvremenske elegancije krzna i lepote savršenog kroja! Punto je prava adresa za sve one ljubitelje mode koji su u potrazi za neobičnim i nesvakidašnjim komadima koji se teško mogu naći negde drugde! Naravno, tu je i FURMARK program sertifikacije za održivost krzna u modnoj industriji koji je razvio @wearefur . Naravno, tu su i neki poznati brendovi koje ste imali prilike da upoznate tokom prošle godine na Mr.M blogu. Verujem da će vam ova modna priča biti zanimljiva, pa vas pozivam da pročitate novi post i javite mi svoje utiske! Vidimo se uskoro sa novom modnom pričom! S ljubavlju, Mr.M! 🤗 —————————————————————————— #turkey #istanbul #wearefur #furmark #puntoleatherfur #puntofur #mrmbymarkotadic #madeinturkey

January 16, 2023


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