
Monalisa Chinda Coker


 Me??? No one will rain on my parade.. I am in okirika catching mad cruise😜😜😜

Yaall thinking I can’t feature in an epic film because of my complexion.. you lieeeee🤪🤪🤪🤪😜😜
Blessed beyond measures!
Be blessed today Fam ❤️

Me??? No one will rain on my parade.. I am in okirika catching mad cruise😜😜😜 #amayanabotheeagleking #filiminginokirika #lovemyjob🫶 #epicfilm Yaall thinking I can’t feature in an epic film because of my complexion.. you lieeeee🤪🤪🤪🤪😜😜 Blessed beyond measures! Be blessed today Fam ❤️

May 05, 2022


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