
Millie Mackintosh

United Kingdom
To the little girl that changed my whole world 💗 

Sienna, the past 18 months have been the best of my life. You are, and forever will be, my first baby. You made me a Mama and showed me what love really feels like, for that I will always be grateful. You have taught me so much about life, slowing down and putting your needs and feelings before my own.  

Things are going to change soon, I’m nervous for the adjustment, but also so excited to see you as a big Sister. I might not be able to pick you up, carry you or play on the floor for a few weeks, but it’s not because I love you any less. You might not remember but one day I hope you will understand. 

I spoke to my mum, I asked her how I could possibly have enough room in my heart for both of you. She told me that when my sister was born she felt the same but that the heart somehow gets bigger, it expands and the love you feel is multiplied.

I need you to be a big girl and help Mummy with the new addition to our family, your little Sister will have so much to learn from you. I cannot wait to watch the two of you grow together, to become best friends and lifelong partners in crime 💗

To the little girl that changed my whole world 💗  Sienna, the past 18 months have been the best of my life. You are, and forever will be, my first baby. You made me a Mama and showed me what love really feels like, for that I will always be grateful. You have taught me so much about life, slowing down and putting your needs and feelings before my own.   Things are going to change soon, I’m nervous for the adjustment, but also so excited to see you as a big Sister. I might not be able to pick you up, carry you or play on the floor for a few weeks, but it’s not because I love you any less. You might not remember but one day I hope you will understand.  I spoke to my mum, I asked her how I could possibly have enough room in my heart for both of you. She told me that when my sister was born she felt the same but that the heart somehow gets bigger, it expands and the love you feel is multiplied. I need you to be a big girl and help Mummy with the new addition to our family, your little Sister will have so much to learn from you. I cannot wait to watch the two of you grow together, to become best friends and lifelong partners in crime 💗

November 25, 2021


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