10 ciri2 WANITA HEBAT. Which number is your fav? Mine is no. 10! 💞 1. Selalu merendah diri 2. Banyakkan bersabar 🥲 3. Menjaga diri 4. Trust & love yourself 💕 5. Bersemangat & tidak mudah berputus asa🔥 6. Setia 7. Bersikap tulus & jujur 🥰 8. Always want to learn! 9. Sentiasa memberi manfaat 🤍 10. Istiqomah menjadi hamba Allah S.W.T yg solehah Pants👖@zara 👚 blouse @hijabista.hub Founder of @mawarosehq - Cosmetics with treatment
March 16, 2022
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