

things I’ve learnt about this beautiful country.

1. The Republic of Colombia is a country in South America-bounded by the Caribbean Sea, Sorrounded by Panama, Peru, Venezuela and Brazil.
2. It’s considered to be a third world country but goodness me, the infrastructure and general organization says otherwise.
3. It’s voted as one of the World’s Happiest Countries. They are so passionate and they hold hands, kiss and embrace everywhere! 
4. It’s quiet and spotless! The Spanish architecture is one of a kind- the red bricks on the slopes and hills are exceptionally beautiful.
5. It’s #1 in Emerald Exportation 
6. They produced Shakira one of my favorite artists!🤩🤩
7. Every Sunday and holidays, Bogotá city closes over 120kms of road and as many as 1.5 million Bogotanos come out to ride their bikes as they are serious about environmental conservation, health and fitness.

8. It is one of the safest countries for travelers so long as you stay away from dangerous areas.
9. The food is 💯 % organic and it tastes very much like Kenyan food but the variety is quite wide.
10. We did not experience anything that we have watched in the movies -on the contrary, everyone was so kind and polite😌

Ps, getting the visa and travel information was no easy task but @wavu.travels came through 💯. They understood the assignment and I am a happy client.
Good night!

Thank you so much for all the love, prayers and blessings 🤗❤️

things I’ve learnt about this beautiful country. 1. The Republic of Colombia is a country in South America-bounded by the Caribbean Sea, Sorrounded by Panama, Peru, Venezuela and Brazil. 2. It’s considered to be a third world country but goodness me, the infrastructure and general organization says otherwise. 3. It’s voted as one of the World’s Happiest Countries. They are so passionate and they hold hands, kiss and embrace everywhere! 4. It’s quiet and spotless! The Spanish architecture is one of a kind- the red bricks on the slopes and hills are exceptionally beautiful. 5. It’s #1 in Emerald Exportation 6. They produced Shakira one of my favorite artists!🤩🤩 7. Every Sunday and holidays, Bogotá city closes over 120kms of road and as many as 1.5 million Bogotanos come out to ride their bikes as they are serious about environmental conservation, health and fitness. 8. It is one of the safest countries for travelers so long as you stay away from dangerous areas. 9. The food is 💯 % organic and it tastes very much like Kenyan food but the variety is quite wide. 10. We did not experience anything that we have watched in the movies -on the contrary, everyone was so kind and polite😌 Ps, getting the visa and travel information was no easy task but @wavu.travels came through 💯. They understood the assignment and I am a happy client. Good night! Thank you so much for all the love, prayers and blessings 🤗❤️

July 15, 2021


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