
Marianna MΓ€kelΓ€


 Why I love fall: 1. big coats 🀎 2. boots πŸ‘’ 3. hot drinks β˜•οΈ 4. being home feels 100 times more cozy πŸ’» 5. crisp air πŸ‚ 6. it’s self-care season πŸ§–πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Why I love fall: 1. big coats 🀎 2. boots πŸ‘’ 3. hot drinks β˜•οΈ 4. being home feels 100 times more cozy πŸ’» 5. crisp air πŸ‚ 6. it’s self-care season πŸ§–πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

September 11, 2022


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