
Lady Gaga

United States

 I’m sorry i couldn’t finish the show it was too dangerous the lightening was being unpredictable and changing moment by moment, I love you. Look, for years some of you have called me “mother monster,” in my heart I knew it was better to keep you safe. Thank you for believing in me. This was the greatest tour of my life and I will cherish this moment forever—it took a long time for me to heal, but I did. Sure, OF COURSE, I wanted to sing rain on me for you in the rain. “I’d rather be dry, but at least I’m alive”—I guess somehow I knew this moment would happen and I am so grateful to you, my dancers, my band the whole crew everyone my family and friends. Safety first. Love you. Thank you for the flowers and the cheers and for understanding. Life matters.

I’m sorry i couldn’t finish the show it was too dangerous the lightening was being unpredictable and changing moment by moment, I love you. Look, for years some of you have called me “mother monster,” in my heart I knew it was better to keep you safe. Thank you for believing in me. This was the greatest tour of my life and I will cherish this moment forever—it took a long time for me to heal, but I did. Sure, OF COURSE, I wanted to sing rain on me for you in the rain. “I’d rather be dry, but at least I’m alive”—I guess somehow I knew this moment would happen and I am so grateful to you, my dancers, my band the whole crew everyone my family and friends. Safety first. Love you. Thank you for the flowers and the cheers and for understanding. Life matters. #thechromaticaball

October 14, 2022


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