

Follow @yogicambrown
Follow @yogicambrown
Taking a moment to breathe and get perspective and observe my situation without emotional bias is part of my practice of Equanimity, seeing things as they are not as I wish they were or weren’t is my practice of coming back to centre and from there I make a better decision that requires less over correcting or cleaning up of mess if I was reactive. 

More from centre means less pendulum swing, means more equanimity, means more effective use of energy, and results in a more vibrant energy resource for what I choose.

Come explore #equanimity with @yogicambrown for Power Vinyasa Monday night 5.30-6.30pm Brisbane Australia time.

Register at 
yogawithcam@gmail.com as yogicam.com.au is being updated for the zoom link 30 minutes before class.

Namaste 🙏 
#yogicam #yogicambrown #poweryoga #wideleggedforwardfold #peace #equanimity #backtocentre #beachyoga #noosa #sunrise #yogaoutdoors #inversions #meditation #mindfulness #balance

Follow @yogicambrown Follow @yogicambrown . Taking a moment to breathe and get perspective and observe my situation without emotional bias is part of my practice of Equanimity, seeing things as they are not as I wish they were or weren’t is my practice of coming back to centre and from there I make a better decision that requires less over correcting or cleaning up of mess if I was reactive. More from centre means less pendulum swing, means more equanimity, means more effective use of energy, and results in a more vibrant energy resource for what I choose. Come explore #equanimity with @yogicambrown for Power Vinyasa Monday night 5.30-6.30pm Brisbane Australia time. Register at [email protected] as yogicam.com.au is being updated for the zoom link 30 minutes before class. Namaste 🙏 #yogicam #yogicambrown #poweryoga #wideleggedforwardfold #peace #equanimity #backtocentre #beachyoga #noosa #sunrise #yogaoutdoors #inversions #meditation #mindfulness #balance

March 04, 2021


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