
Jack Carlson

 “It’s a hard life in the mountains.”

Kitzbühel, Austria, is where James Bond learned to ski (in the books) — and Ian Fleming lived in Kitzbühel for a while himself. Alfons Walde, Toni Sailer, Toto Wolff, and Haddaway (“What Is Love”), and have all called Kitzbühel home too. The birthplace of downhill skiing in central Europe and host of the infamously dangerous and incredibly prestigious Hahnenkamm races (for which Arnold Schwarzenegger makes an annual pilgrimage), Kitzbühel is also home to some of the best skiing, dining, and drinking in the world — and The Londoner pub, where Monty Python’s “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” plays at closing every night and whose facetious motto, “It’s a hard life in the mountains,” has become synonymous with the town itself 🇦🇹

class="content__text" “It’s a hard life in the mountains.” Kitzbühel, Austria, is where James Bond learned to ski (in the books) — and Ian Fleming lived in Kitzbühel for a while himself. Alfons Walde, Toni Sailer, Toto Wolff, and Haddaway (“What Is Love”), and have all called Kitzbühel home too. The birthplace of downhill skiing in central Europe and host of the infamously dangerous and incredibly prestigious Hahnenkamm races (for which Arnold Schwarzenegger makes an annual pilgrimage), Kitzbühel is also home to some of the best skiing, dining, and drinking in the world — and The Londoner pub, where Monty Python’s “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” plays at closing every night and whose facetious motto, “It’s a hard life in the mountains,” has become synonymous with the town itself 🇦🇹

January 27, 2023


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