


 Thank you for all the birthday greetings! πŸ₯‚
I dedicate this day to my Zoe @zoessentialsph family! 🀎 

Thank you for such a wonderful gift. @luisruizzzz πŸ“Έ My newest fave videographer. 

Thank you Sissy/stylist @stephyaparici πŸ›
You are the best & Ofc my Glam team @iamdonitayg_mua @dearracanlas

Thank you for all the birthday greetings! πŸ₯‚ I dedicate this day to my Zoe @zoessentialsph family! 🀎 Thank you for such a wonderful gift. @luisruizzzz πŸ“Έ My newest fave videographer. Thank you Sissy/stylist @stephyaparici πŸ› You are the best & Ofc my Glam team @iamdonitayg_mua @dearracanlas

September 19, 2022


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