
Emerson Collective

 How can nonprofits build more sustainable financial futures? Community-based nonprofit organizations fill crucial gaps, yet for many, keeping the lights on is a serious challenge. However, one underexplored opportunity to fortify financial stability is leveraging the value of the real estate that nonprofits own.

A novel case study from @urbaninstitute presents findings on how Washington D.C.’s @whitmanwalker partnered with mission-aligned developers and philanthropists to leverage their real estate holdings to create new streams of revenue. Join Emerson Collective’s Dan Tangherlini and other leading experts TODAY, Wednesday January 18 at Noon EST, for an online discussion to learn more about the strategies that strengthened this organization’s financial future. Hosted by @urbaninstitute RSVP at the linkinbio! #nonprofit

class="content__text" How can nonprofits build more sustainable financial futures? Community-based nonprofit organizations fill crucial gaps, yet for many, keeping the lights on is a serious challenge. However, one underexplored opportunity to fortify financial stability is leveraging the value of the real estate that nonprofits own. A novel case study from @urbaninstitute presents findings on how Washington D.C.’s @whitmanwalker partnered with mission-aligned developers and philanthropists to leverage their real estate holdings to create new streams of revenue. Join Emerson Collective’s Dan Tangherlini and other leading experts TODAY, Wednesday January 18 at Noon EST, for an online discussion to learn more about the strategies that strengthened this organization’s financial future. Hosted by @urbaninstitute RSVP at the linkinbio! #nonprofit

January 18, 2023


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