Can I be honest with you for a minute? My mental health has not been good this week. I feel like I have been firefighting, juggling and surviving. Why am I telling you this? Because I don’t want you to think, even for a second, that you are alone in your struggles. The good news is that I recognise the pressure I’m under, and am utilising everything I have learnt over the years, and indeed incorporated into my books, to support my mental health right now. 🛑 I’ve put boundaries in place this weekend and politely declined any plans that would draw energy from me. 🏃♂️ I’ve planned some movement into my weekend, I know this is a big one for me. 😴 Clearing the diary has meant I can breathe and rest. Not just sitting still but active rest, doing the things that energise me. For example… 🏍️ Being on the road, bike or car, is like therapy to me. Im going to make the most of the crisp weather forecasted. 👬 Spending time with friends that bring the RIGHT energy is vital for my health. Love you guys. 🎹 I had my first lesson this week and its helping me so much already! Will be practicing this weekend for sure. 🍃🐶 Last but not least is my nature and puppy therapy. Rolo and I will be enjoying some quality stomping time. I am as open as I can be with you all, while holding enough back to maintain some sense of privacy in my life. If you are feeling like me, going into this weekend, you are not alone. Please know that. Make an action plan like I have and actively move towards feeling better. More tips in my book ‘A Better Day’. Love you guys and thanks for being awesome to me 💙
January 20, 2023
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