

 Have you ever wondered what the "VE" stands for?
 It stands for vaginal exam, AKA the moment of truth!

During a vaginal exam, your midwife or doctor will insert two fingers into your vagina (with lots of lube, of course) and feel around for your cervix. They're checking to see if it's soft or hard, effaced or not, dilated or not, and whether your baby is already chillin' in your pelvis. 

Now, I won't lie to you. It can be a bit uncomfortable but shouldn't be excruciating. 
Why am sharing this is for you to remember, it's totally okay to decline a vaginal exam if you're not feeling up for it.

One more thing to keep in mind: vaginal exams are not mandatory, and they should only be performed with your informed consent and you can stop it at any time.

If you're ever faced with a vaginal exam and you feel like you need one done just remember the best thing for you to do is breathe, relax, and allow!!!

So Mama's, did you get a VE done during labour and birth?
Share your experience...

class="content__text" Have you ever wondered what the "VE" stands for? It stands for vaginal exam, AKA the moment of truth! During a vaginal exam, your midwife or doctor will insert two fingers into your vagina (with lots of lube, of course) and feel around for your cervix. They're checking to see if it's soft or hard, effaced or not, dilated or not, and whether your baby is already chillin' in your pelvis. Now, I won't lie to you. It can be a bit uncomfortable but shouldn't be excruciating. Why am sharing this is for you to remember, it's totally okay to decline a vaginal exam if you're not feeling up for it. One more thing to keep in mind: vaginal exams are not mandatory, and they should only be performed with your informed consent and you can stop it at any time. If you're ever faced with a vaginal exam and you feel like you need one done just remember the best thing for you to do is breathe, relax, and allow!!! So Mama's, did you get a VE done during labour and birth? Share your experience... #DorahYoDoula #GetEducated #BeEmpowered #VaginalExaminations #WhatsYourStory

February 18, 2023


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