
Dollar Shave Club

 Why is the pain so unbearable? Science!! Evolution caused a bunch of pain receptors to grow in our nether regions to dissuade us from hurting them (and our chances of reproduction). ⁠
🏀 Your stomach hurts because your huevos and tummy share pain receptors. Your balls were originally formed there before they dropped in middle school.⁠
🏀 The nausea comes from your brain’s release of pain killing endorphins. They bring oxygen to the brain, which can make you queasy. ⁠
Your stones are quite literally engineered to remind you to keep them safe. Pretty ballsy. ⁠

class="content__text" Why is the pain so unbearable? Science!! Evolution caused a bunch of pain receptors to grow in our nether regions to dissuade us from hurting them (and our chances of reproduction). ⁠ ⁠ 🏀 Your stomach hurts because your huevos and tummy share pain receptors. Your balls were originally formed there before they dropped in middle school.⁠ ⁠ 🏀 The nausea comes from your brain’s release of pain killing endorphins. They bring oxygen to the brain, which can make you queasy. ⁠ ⁠ Your stones are quite literally engineered to remind you to keep them safe. Pretty ballsy. ⁠

February 23, 2023


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