

 Purpose can be found in places where you never expect to. Such as a heart warming interaction with an elderly. During the pandemic, Shantanu Naidu found comfort in the company of the senior citizens in his society. After going through great anxiety over his education, career and future, their wisdom gave him much needed perspective and clarity. It gave him a purpose. Today, he has devoted his life to facilitating friendships between young people like himself & senior citizens. 

 #ComfortInAPurpose #WhatsYourPurpose #WeDAMEN #TheMostComfortableMan #DaMENSCH #ComfortableMen #GrandParents #GoodFellows #GrandPals #Companionship #Inspirational #wednesdaywisdom #youthcompanions

class="content__text" Purpose can be found in places where you never expect to. Such as a heart warming interaction with an elderly. During the pandemic, Shantanu Naidu found comfort in the company of the senior citizens in his society. After going through great anxiety over his education, career and future, their wisdom gave him much needed perspective and clarity. It gave him a purpose. Today, he has devoted his life to facilitating friendships between young people like himself & senior citizens. #ComfortInAPurpose #WhatsYourPurpose #WeDAMEN #TheMostComfortableMan #DaMENSCH #ComfortableMen #GrandParents #GoodFellows #GrandPals #Companionship #Inspirational #wednesdaywisdom #youthcompanions

January 20, 2023


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