class="content__text" VIVIENNE ! Hair by me for Andreas Kronthaler Vivienne Westwood’s SS23 campaign. I always have been attracted by breaking the ordinary codes of beauty. Womens freedom to wear bodyhair in our normative society being one of the symbols of empowerment, whats more punk than displaying them on the most visible part of a body, aka the face ! Thank you @ndreaskronthaler and @viviennewestwood team ! Creative Direction / @ndreaskronthaler @juergentellerstudio Photographer / @juergentellerstudio Creative Partner / @doviledrizyte Stylist / @sabina_schreder Hair by me Charlielemindu Assisted by @kitchen.scissors @mrjubbs @lalimerence Makeup / @porschepoon @artlistparisnewyork Nails / @nailsbynadiabx micahendricks Casting Director / @ben_grimes_casting @driverepresents Models / @irinashayk @thesocietynyc @ameliagray @lindenstaub Lars Eidinger @unitedtalent @sibbyfresh @marilynagencyny @cherif_douamba @premiermodels @detesta.etienne @supamodelmanagement @jiashannliu @models1 Ibrahim #AKVWSS23 🖤 Vivienne Westwood team ! @joshuajpdavidson @rubinamarchiori @camcarswell @katiebeddoe
February 03, 2023
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