
Brittany Furlan Lee

United States
Happy anniversary to my best friend in the entire world, someone would have to know you to know the special soul that you are. So full of love & light. 3 years of marriage went by like the blink of an eye, soon it’ll be 30!!! Til the wheels fall off baby!!!! 

And special thank you to @kimurabonsai for helping me surprise Tommy with the beautiful peach tree, magnolia tree, and the 40 year old Brazilian Rain tree bonsai.

Happy anniversary to my best friend in the entire world, someone would have to know you to know the special soul that you are. So full of love & light. 3 years of marriage went by like the blink of an eye, soon it’ll be 30!!! Til the wheels fall off baby!!!! And special thank you to @kimurabonsai for helping me surprise Tommy with the beautiful peach tree, magnolia tree, and the 40 year old Brazilian Rain tree bonsai.

February 15, 2022


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