
Arden Cho 아덴 조

United States
Happiest birthday to the most loving, kind, supportive bf I’ve ever had. Thank you @junoflo for all the fun & silly adventures, you’ve encouraged me through the toughest year of my life, you’re always down for my spontaneity & even though I’m slightly jealous that I think @chewy_cho loves you more, I’m thankful to have you in my life! You cook the best Asado & you’re so incredibly talented, they have no idea!!! Sorry I can’t be at your show tonight, if you’re in ATL go see my mans crush it on the stage as usual! Can’t wait to see you! 🥰

Happiest birthday to the most loving, kind, supportive bf I’ve ever had. Thank you @junoflo for all the fun & silly adventures, you’ve encouraged me through the toughest year of my life, you’re always down for my spontaneity & even though I’m slightly jealous that I think @chewy_cho loves you more, I’m thankful to have you in my life! You cook the best Asado & you’re so incredibly talented, they have no idea!!! Sorry I can’t be at your show tonight, if you’re in ATL go see my mans crush it on the stage as usual! Can’t wait to see you! 🥰

September 26, 2021


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